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"You're going to lose."

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are. Just watch."

"I'd like to see you try!"

You and Ethan were neck to neck in a Mario Kart race, battling for first place. You were playing with others, as well- Brian, Sabrina, and a couple more of Ethan's friends.

The two of you were just reaching the finish line when you pushed Ethan and hit him with a shell, making him fly off of the map.

"No!" Ethan screamed, struggling to regain himself.

"Go, (Y/n), go!" Sabrina cheered for you.

"Oh, you will pay for that!"

You sped across the finish line and dove off the couch and onto your knees, raising your arms above your head in victory, the Wii remote still in your hands. Sabrina followed you in second place, then Brian, then Ethan.

Brian and Sabrina cheered for you, while Ethan sat on the couch, staring at the wall, looking sullen. "My whole life is a lie." He muttered.

You grinned, looking at him. "It's okay, Ethan. You'll get me next time."

He curled into a ball. "I was beaten by my girlfriend and two friends."

Sabrina sat next to him. "Cheer up, dude. If you want, you could definitely beat everyone here with a keyboard. You pick the game."

Ethan looked excited. "Okay." He moved towards you and engulfed you into a tight hug. "Good job, (Y/n)."

You hugged him back. "You too, Ethan."

"Ugh. Gross."

Ethan pulled away, smirking at Brian. "What? Did you finally look in the mirror?"

Brian shook his head. "No. Two lovebirds."

Sabrina grinned. "Aww, you got together with Gerald?"

Brian gave her a disgusted look. "What? Ew, gross!" Everyone laughed.

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