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The doctor left the four of you as soon as you arrived at the door to the room, hoping to give you all some space. Everyone looked at you expectantly, and you bit your lip. "Go on before me? I need to make a call."

Mark and Amy nodded. Mark approached you first, giving you a hug. "We'll be here."

Amy gave you one, as well. "Good luck." She smiled briefly, then followed Mark into the room.

Ethan stayed in the hallway, leaning against the wall. "I'm not going in there without you. Make your call to Joshua. I'm not leaving."

You smiled at him, letting some tension out of your posture. "Thank you." You leaned over and kissed his cheek for a moment before pulling out your phone.

"Hello, Joshua Peaks, how may I help you?"

"Uncle Joshua?" You bit your lip. "Hi. It's me again."

"(Y/n)? I didn't expect to be hearing from you so soon. How are things?"

"Well, actually..." You decides to not beat around the bush and took a deep breath. "You never told me that Rose was suicidal."

"I thought she was over it. She was getting better... she stopped self-harming. It's been a month since she even considered it."

"Really? Then how do you explain the way I found her before dinner?"

"Oh God, what happened?"

A few tears leaked down your face. "She... well..."

"Actually, don't tell me. You're at a hospital, aren't you?"

"How'd you know?"

"Just a hunch. She overdosed on her medication?"

"...yeah, actually."

"God... I... if I thought it would come back, I would've told you. Really. I honestly thought she was over it. How is she?"

You wiped your cheeks. "I don't know yet. I haven't see her. She's alive, though. That's all I can say."

"Oh, thank God."

"Seriously, though, Uncle Josh. Why didn't you tell me?"

He sighed. "I didn't want you to worry more than you already do. I figured I'd let everything about the move and the crash pass, and then I'd tell you when everything settled down. Now I see that that idea was stupid."

"Ya think?" You asked breathily. Ethan put a hand on your shoulder and smiled at you, and you calmed down. "I... I have to go soon. Is there anything you want to tell me before I do?"

"...don't leave her side. She gets really anxious when people leave her alone. She always feels like she's not good enough and needs people to constantly tell her otherwise. She also feels like she's annoying or a burden for needing constant attention."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Josh."

"You're welcome, sweetheart. Call me when she's feeling better, I want to talk to her."

"I will. Goodnight." You hung up.

"So?" Ethan asked quietly.

"She's been depressed for a while, but stopped self- harming for a while. Oh God, she... she picked it back up because of me."

He instantly pulled you into a tight hug. "Don't day that. Don't you ever say that. Please. She didn't do this because of you, and you know that."

You took a deep, shaky breath as you let your body sink into Ethan's, feeling the warmth emanating from him. You nodded as you wrapped your arms around him in return. "You're right. I'm sorry."

He rubbed your back for a moment before pulling away, keeping your hands on your upper arms. "Anyone else you need to call? Sabrina?"

You nodded, stepping out of his hold. "Yeah. Hang on." You went back into your contacts on your phone.

"(Y/n)?" Sabrina answered on the first ring. "Is something wrong? You never call this late?"

"It's Rose. She... uhm..."

"No need to say it, I understand. Where are you right now?"

You asked Ethan, and gave her the answer. "But Sabrina, you don't need to come here-"

"Oh, shut up. I don't live that far away anyways. I'm coming whether you like it or not. I'll let you know when I get there so you can give me the room number." She hung up after that.

You sighed, putting your phone back in your pocket. "She's coming."

"Okay. Are you ready now?"

You took another deep breath before nodding. "Yeah. Yeah, I think I'm ready." You reached for Ethan's hand, and he took it, squeezing tightly before stepping into the room with you.

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