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You woke up slowly to the sound of movement to your left. You opened your eyes and turned, seeing Katelyn adjusting your IV. She looked over and smiled. "Nothing to worry about. Just adjusting your IV." You smiled back, then closed your eyes again. "I'll wake you up in a couple hours. Get some more sleep."

You slipped effortlessly back to sleep, and when you woke up, Ethan was next to you, holding your hand tightly. He smiled, leaned over, and kissed your head. "Good morning, beautiful."

You smiled back, stretching. "Good morning, babe."

"Blech." Sabrina teased from her chair. "Stop being lovey-dovey."

"If you don't like it, then leave." Ethan teased, sticking his tongue out at her.

"Nah, I think I'll stay a little while longer." She smiled playfully at him.

There was a knock on the door, then Mark and Amy made their way into the room. Amy was carrying a vase of flowers, and they were both smiling. Sabrina widened her eyes.

"Hey, guys." Mark addressed the room. "We're here."

"Feeling any better, (Y/n)?" Amy asked, setting the vase on the nightstand next to you.

You nodded. "Yeah, actually." You looked at Sabrina and suppressed a giggle. "Sabrina, this is Mark and Amy-"

"I know who they are." She cut you off. "This is... uhm... I think I'm going to be sick..."

Mark smirked. "A fan, huh?" Sabrina nodded dumbly. "No need to freak out. I'm the same weirdo in person than I am in real life."

"I know, but... I didn't know you'd be here today."

"I'm going to be here every day. What about you?"

"Same here."

"You're a good friend, Sabrina."

She blushed at the compliment. "Thanks."

Katelyn walked into the room, holding a tray of food and a small cup with a pill inside. "Good morning everyone! (Y/n), I brought you breakfast."

You smiled at her as she put the tray in your lap. "Thank you."

She smiled back before turning to Sabrina. "My shift's almost over. Come with me to the nurse's desk so we can pack up and leave."

"But Mom-" Sabrina started to complain.

"No 'buts'. You're coming home to have an actual meal and decent sleep. You'll come right back when all of that's done. Okay?"

Sabrina rolled her eyes, but stood up. "See you all later?" You all waved her out the door.

"Well, time for Ethan and I to go." Mark announced.

Your eyes went wide as Ethan stated at Mark. "Wait, me? Why?"

"Because I'm getting you an actual meal, too. Let's go, before I drag you out of this room."

"Mark, don't force him." Amy said, noticing your expression.

"I will force him." Mark looked at you. "We'll be gone for an hour at the most. I promise I'll bring him right back when breakfast is over."

Ethan turned to you. "Better not argue with him."

You took his hand, squeezing it tightly. "Don't get hurt."

He leaned down to kiss your forehead. "Wouldn't dream of it." You slowly let go of his hand and sighed when the door closed behind them.

Amy smirked. "You thought about marriage last night, didn't you?"

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