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"...fading pulse..."

"...glass in stomach..."

"...head bleeding..."

"...chance of internal bleeding..."

Only one voice stood out from them all: "Is she going to be okay?" Comforting, warm, and familiar- Ethan.

"...will be fine..."

"...trust us..."

"...need to go..."

You tried opening your eyes, but immediately closed them. You didn't need them to stay open, though. You saw a glimpse of the blue eyes and hair that you loved. It was enough.

"It'll be okay, babe." His voice came again. "It'll all be okay."

You tried saying something in return, but your voice had left your body. You could hear ringing in your ear and a growing pain on both your head and abdomen. You tried to move, but found that you had no energy to do so. Ethan put a hand on your head, and suddenly it was gone.

You heard more voices that sounded far away, then a louder, confident female voice spoke up. "(Y/n), can you hear me?" You attempted to open your eyes again, and found that it was much easier, due to the dim lights.

A woman in a surgical mask looked down at you. "Don't be scared, (Y/n). You're in good hands. Everything will be fine." She placed a breathing mask over your face, and you started to fall asleep. "Everything will be fine. You can trust us."

When you opened your eyes again, you were sitting upright in a bland, uninteresting room. You looked around and immediately relaxed upon seeing the blue-haired man you love, sitting in a nearby chair and scrolling on Twitter. You opened your mouth to say his name, but the words didn't come. He glanced up from his phone as if to check on you, widened his eyes, and jumped up, throwing his phone on the chair.

"(Y/n)!" He almost screamed, racing over and throwing his arms around you. You tried moving your arms to hug him back, but your arms wouldn't move.

He didn't give you much time to do so, anyways, he pulled away and started rambling. "Are you okay? Please be okay! I was so worried- I thought you died- I mean, you wouldn't wake up in the car, and I tried to get you out, but then that other car hit your side of the car, and you were stuck, and the doctors said it was a miracle you're still alive-"

"Ethan," You finally got your voice to work, although it was weak and raspy. You cleared your throat and tried again, speaking louder. "What happened?"

A tear slipped out of his eye. "When the other car hit us head-on, you went forwards and hit your head on the dashboard. The airbag didn't work for you. Mine did, which stopped me from getting knocked out myself. I tried to wake you up and get us out of there, but like I said, another car hit your side of the car. They didn't have working breaks. I had to get out. I couldn't wait for you. When I got out..." A few more years slipped out of his eyes, and he wiped them away. "When I got out, I saw the damage. The whole windshield was broken, and glass was everywhere. The hood and your side of the car was smashed in. All of a sudden, another car came out of nowhere and hit the other side. You were stuck in there. It took the paramedics and firefighters forever to get you out of there. And when they did, you had tons of little pieces of glass in you, and your head was all bloody. The paramedics said you could have internal bleeding from the glass and being smashed in, so they raced you here. They found out that you actually had internal bleeding, along with a burst spleen and a major concussion, and a piece of glass was almost close enough to cut open your heart. They had to give you surgery to take out the spleen and replace a new one, and then took out all of the glass. You-" his voice broke. "You almost died, (Y/n)."

A couple tears slipped out of your eyes. You took Ethan's hand, squeezing it tightly. "But I didn't. I'm here. I'm alive."

Ethan sniffed. "I know. It's a miracle, really. And I can't let something like this happen ever again."

"It won't. I'm sure of it."

There was a knock on the door, and Mark and Amy entered the room. Amy marched right up to you and flung her arms around you. "Thank God you're okay." She pulled away, holding you by the shoulders, a sad look in her eyes. "We came as soon as Ethan called. He was so worried about you. Mark and I had to leave for a little bit to get your dogs and take them to our house, but we're back now."

"You are okay, right?" Mark piped up. "Are you still hurt?"

You shifted slightly. "I'm still in a little bit of pain, but I'm sure it'll go away. I'm also kinda tired, but I probably shouldn't sleep anytime soon, especially since I just woke up from the anesthesia."

"How long are you supposed to stay here?" Mark asked.

"Three days, at least." Ethan answered for you. "It could be longer, depending on her recovery and how long her concussion lasts."

"That's terrible. I'm so sorry, guys."

"It's fine." You shrugged it off. "I'm used to being stuck in a hospital. Although, not really used to it being because of me."

"It'll be alright," Mark said. "We'll all be here for you every day, until you're out of this place."

You smiled. "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it." Ethan squeezed your hand.

"Anything for a friend." Amy smiled back at you. "We're not just here for Ethan. We're here for you, too. You mean a lot to us, (Y/n). Don't forget that."

You blushed, smiling. "I know. I won't. I swear."

And for once in your life, you felt like you actually belonged.

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