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"So, what was your meeting about?"

You smiled at Ethan as you sat down in his office chair, putting the hard drive Mark gave you into the computer. "Mark wants to do a new project. A continuation of Who Killed Markiplier, I guess. It just follows Damien and Celine's story, though. We just talked about basic ideas, and we're going to work on a more concrete plan tomorrow."

"Sounds good. It won't be as big, though, right?"

"No. Just a short video, maybe a half hour at max." You clicked into the files of the hard drive. "In other news, I think Mark wants me to get serious about editing."

Ethan looked over your shoulder to look at the screen. "Oh, wow, four videos? Mark usually sends Kathryn and I one or two a day. He might be testing you." Ethan glanced at each one before his eyes landed on a sub-folder. "Wait. What's in there?"

You clicked on it, seeing a video in it that you assumed wasn't a gaming video due to the image shown, which said the words "For Your Eyes Only". "This might be the video Mark said was for me."

"Want some space to watch it? I can get a head start on lunch."

"No, stay. I don't know what's in it." You made sure the audio was up and Ethan's headphones were unplugged before clicking into the video. It stayed on the title sequence for a moment before fading, and Mark's face appeared on the screen.

"Oh my God." Ethan was smiling. "I know what this is."

You turned your head to look at him. "Do you know something that I don't?"

"Maybe." He ruffled your hair. "Just watch. You'll enjoy it."

Mark was smiling at the camera. "Hey, (Y/n). You're probably not expecting something like this. I don't even know if I'm going to send this video to you or not. I'm going to decide that later. Anyways, this video may seem a bit different from all of my others. Well, that's because it is. It's a personal message to you, and maybe to Ethan, because I'm pretty sure he's in the room, watching this with you."

You smirked, looking at Ethan. "He's got that right."

"Anyways." Mark continued. "The day I'm recording this is your second day in the hospital. I wanted to make this for you to show you how much you mean to everyone, and to make sure you know that you need to get better, or else I will force you to." He grinned, teasing. "Just a little bit of background before the video goes on- throughout the day, I pulled everyone aside and asked them why they love you. Ethan, too. And he asked me the same question. I recorded all of their answers and put them into this video. I also did some snooping around on your social media and found your favorite song, so that's in here, too. Anyways, enough about me rambling. Enjoy the video, (Y/n), and I hope you get better soon." He waved at the camera and faded away.

You stared at Ethan. "...he really did this?"

Ethan nodded, smiling. "Yeah. He did."

You turned back to the computer as Ethan's face appeared on the screen. You noticed that it wasn't in the hospital- Mark must've done this when he took Ethan out for breakfast.

"Hey Ethan." Mark's voice said from behind the camera. "Why do you love (Y/n)?"

Ethan fell silent for a moment, staring at his hands. "I... I can't put it into words. She's just amazing. She's my life. I love her, so much." Ethan looked up and stared into the camera. "I'm going to marry her someday. I just know it." He looked up, presumably at Mark. "What about you? Why do you love her?"

Mark handed the camera to Ethan, who flipped it and started filming Mark. "Why do I love her... she's charming. Persuasive. Extremely creative and funny, although I don't think she'd admit it herself. She takes care of everyone she comes across, going out of her way to make sure they're having a good day. She's the kind of girl who doesn't take no for an answer, and makes sure others are smiling, even if she's falling apart. She's exceptional." Mark smiled at the camera. "That's why I love her."

The setting shifted, and you recognized it as the hallway right outside the room you were in. Amy was on the screen, sipping from a Starbuck's cup.

"Hey Amy?" She hummed, turning towards the camera. "Why do you love (Y/n)?"

Amy swallowed her sip of coffee and smiled. "What's not to love? She's caring, open-minded and open-hearted. Infinitely accepting. Very smart. She's..." Amy started to get teary-eyed. "She's exactly what I look for in a friend. In a sister. That's what she is to me- a sister."

You sniffed, suddenly realizing you were crying. You reached up to wipe away your tears, but Ethan beat you to it, clearing them away with his thumb. You smiled up at him. "Thanks." He nodded at you with a smile, reaching down and holding your hand. You both turned back to the screen.

Sabrina was on camera now, sitting on a bench and swinging her legs. "Why do you love (Y/n)?" Mark asked her.

Sabrina seemed startled. "What? Sorry. What?"

"Why do you love (Y/n)?"

Sabrina narrowed her eyes. "Is this you telling me I'm crazy, or a super-secret thing for a video you're sending her?"

Mark chuckled. "The second option."

Sabrina smiled. "Oh. Okay. Well... she took care of me when we first met. I probably wouldn't even be here if she wasn't there for me like that. Did she tell you what happened when we met?" There was a brief pause. "It was at Ethan's signing at Indy Popcon. I went up to the table and did the usual stuff- gave stuff to Ethan and Brian and got stuff signed. She was sitting next to Ethan. Not doing anything, just looking around with curiosity. I knew she must've been special to be there with them. I gave her the flower crown I was wearing, and she asked for my Twitter. We met up at Ethan's booth the next day. She saw through my happy façade and pulled me aside to talk to me. We bonded, and somehow became best friends. I don't know what I'd do if we hadn't met that day. She... She means the world to me. She's my hero."

The video cut to your uncle Joshua and Rose. "Why do you guys love (Y/n)?"

Joshua smiled to himself. "Really? This question?" There was a brief pause before he started talking. "I watched her grow up. I was always there for her. I was there through everything- bullying, her emo phase, school. I was there when she was born, and I was there when she left home for college. I love her like a daughter. There's really nothing you can't love about her."

Rose was quiet for a long moment. "She reminds me of my mom. She has her eyes, her laugh, and her smile. She has my dad's nose, too. She has the same humor as my mom did. She treats me like my mom did. We may have just met, but... she's like my new mom, now. Warm, and comforting, and familiar." Rose smiled.

The video then cut to Kathryn and Tyler as they sat in the office. "Why do you guys love (Y/n)?"

Kathryn went first. "She's very talented. Super efficient. Very creative and organized. And really helpful, too. I think that's my favorite part about her- she loves to step in and help others. Her catchphrase is "No job is to big, no idea is too small." I think I'm going to remember that until I die."

Tyler chuckled. "Well, first and foremost, she keeps Ethan in check, which is good for all of us." Kathryn giggled next to him. "She loves to find new ways to make others smile. If she can make one person smile  every day, then she's as happy as can be. She's at her best when she's happy, too. Always giddy, hyper, and excited for the day."

The video cut to black. You were about to click out of it, until a title screen appeared with the words "Get Well Soon!" on it. A slideshow started playing, filled to the brim of pictures of you that you had posted to Instagram. Your eyes filled with tears as each one passed, and you eventually let out a sob. Ethan hugged you, and you buried your face into his shoulder.

"See?" Ethan asked quietly. "We all love you. We're all your family now."

You nodded against his shoulder, sniffing. "I know. I just... wasn't expecting this. Jesus, you guys are too nice."

Ethan grinned. "We can't help it. We're always like that when we're being honest."

Your eyes filled with tears again as you let out another sob. "I love you. Thank you."

Ethan tightened his arms around your back, burying his nose in your hair. "I love you, too."

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