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"Mom, Dad!" You exclaimed, throwing your arms around a woman about your height and much older than you.

Your mother grinned, hugging you back. "(Y/n), it's great to see you again!"

You pulled away from each other. "You too! It feels like forever since you visited."

Your father laughed. "It's only been five months."

"Still!" You giggled, hugging your father.

"Is everything the same?" Your mother asked. "Same apartment, same job, same dogs, and single?"

You shook your head. "Actually, a couple things are different. I... actually got fired from my job today." You father was about to say something, but you interrupted him. "Stupid reason, it isn't my fault." He nodded. "Also, I'm not single anymore. I have a boyfriend."

Your mother jumped up and down. "Tell us, tell us!"

You giggled. "Okay! Well, his name is Ethan, and he's really sweet. He's actually gonna help me get another job. You see, he edits for this guy, and he's looking for someone to help him manage stuff. Ethan's gonna help me try to get it."

"That's great, sweetie." Your father said. "He seems like a really good guy."

You blushed, smiling. "He really is."

Your father gestured behind you, towards your apartment. "Are you going to let us in?"

You gasped, feeling stupid that you forgot to simply invite them inside. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Come on in!"

The three of you made your way inside the apartment. Your parents put their belongings near the couch.

"It looks exactly the same since the last time we visited." Your mother commented. She then glanced at a small picture on the coffee table in your living room and smiled. "Except for that. Is that Ethan with you?"

You blushed, nodding. "Yeah. That was our first date. He took me to dinner and an interactive play. We had a great time."

"Will we ever get to meet him?" Your father asked.

You nodded. "Yeah, actually. Ethan and I were supposed to go on another date tonight, but since the two of you are here, we adjusted a little bit. Now the four of us are going to dinner tonight."

"That sounds wonderful, sweetie." Your mother hugged you. "I can't wait to meet him."

You grinned. "You're going to love him." Your face fell. "But on a more serious note, why are you here?"

"What do you mean?" Your father asked. "Can't we come visit our only daughter?"

"You only pay me a visit when you need to talk to me about something serious. What is it this time?"

Your mother and father glanced at each other. "Maybe you should sit down for this one."

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