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The drive towards the hospital was long and excruciating. You sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window the whole time, while Ethan focused on the road, glancing towards you whenever he could risk it. Neither of you talked- the only sound heard was your quiet sniffles and the soft music playing from the radio.

Both of you were startled when Ethan's ringtone blared. He looked at the screen and saw that it was Mark calling. He answered it.

"Hey, Mark." Ethan paused to listen. "Yeah. We both did. She's really happy and thankful you did that for her." He paused again, then glanced at you. "I don't think she's in the best mood for that." Another pause. "No, she's fine. It's... it's Rose. She..." He hesitated, looking at you again. "We found her unconscious in the second floor bathroom. We're on our way to the hospital-" He stopped talking suddenly, then his eyes went wide. "Oh, no, don't do that-" He stopped again, then sighed. "Okay. Fine." Her told Mark the name of the hospital you were heading to. "Okay. We're almost there right now. Okay. See you soon. Thanks, Mark." He hung up, putting his phone back on the center console. He raked his fingers through his hair. "Mark and Amy are coming. They'll meet us there soon."

You nodded, still looking out the window. "Okay." You whispered.

You pulled into the hospital parking lot shortly after. You waited until Ethan parked the car before throwing your backpack on your shoulder and jumping out, racing towards the doors. You stopped at the front desk, and the receptionist smiled at you.

"Good evening. May I help you?" She asked politely.

You paused, trying to catch your breath. "My sister. Rose (L/n). She was brought here on an ambulance."

"Ah, her. One moment, please." She typed into the computer just as Ethan entered through the doors. He sat down in a nearby chair, close enough to hear everything, but far enough so he wouldn't intrude. "They got here just before you. I don't have any information on her condition currently, but we can send someone shortly for you, if that will help."

You nodded eagerly. "Yes. Please. Thank you." She smiled politely as you walked over and sat next to him.

He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and gently squeezed. "It'll be okay."

You rested your head on his shoulder. "I know." You took a deep breath, closing your eyes. Ethan kissed your hair. "Thank you for being here with me."

"Of course. She means a lot to me, too."

The next few minutes passed in relative solitude, until Ethan got a text. He checked it, then gently let go of you and stood up. "Mark and Amy are almost here. I'm going to go out and wait for them."

You nodded. "Be quick."

He leaned down to kiss your lips. "I will." He made his way out.

As soon as the doors closed behind him, a doctor appeared through double doors on the opposite side of the room. He made his way towards you. "Are you here for Rose (L/n)?" You nodded. "The nurses are back there, trying to keep her stable. We have to drain her stomach soon to get whatever caused this out of her system."

"Is she okay, though?" You asked quietly. "Will... will she die?"

The doctor smiled. "You called just in time, ma'am. She's in stable condition currently. She's breathing."

"Oh, thank God." A sob forced its way out of your throat, just as Ethan walked back in with Mark and Amy behind him. He quickly walked over to you, noticing you were crying again, and you flung your arms around his neck, making him stumble backwards slightly. "She's alive, Ethan."

"Oh, thank God." He mumbled as he wrapped his arms around your back.

"If you hadn't found her when you did, she wouldn't be." The doctor announced. "I have to go back, now. I'll send someone out later to let you know when you can go see her."

You nodded towards him, wiping your cheeks. "Thank you, doctor." He spared you a brief smile before walking back through the doors he entered from. Mark and Amy immediately piled on you, squeezing you tightly until you could hardly breathe. You giggled airily. "I appreciate it guys, but I can't breathe!"

They both pulled away at the same time. "Sorry." Mark stated. "We just wanted to make sure you're okay."

You nodded thankfully. "I am. I promise. There's no need to worry anymore."

"Are you sure?" Amy asked skeptically. "Because you're still crying."

You reached up and touched your cheeks, finding that they were still wet. You sniffed, smiling. "Yeah. I'm sure."

Ethan guides you towards one of the chairs, then reached into your book bag and pulled out a small bag of gummy bears. He handed it to you with a grin. "Here. This should make you feel better." You took it gratefully and started munching.

Mark raised an eyebrow. "Candy? Really?"

Ethan shrugged. "We were about to have lunch when... well, you know." Mark winced, nodding. "She's starving to death. I know it. She can't hide it."

You smirked. "Why don't you get over here and eat something, too?"

Ethan smirked back. "Because I'm actually smart and had a snack to eat before we started making dinner. I'm not hungry." You glared at Ethan. Ethan glared back.

Amy laughed. "You guys should really stop fighting."

"Nah, it's more fun this way." You said to her with a grin.

The next half hour passed smoothly and was filled with light conversation. Before you knew it, the same doctor from earlier came out. You saw him approach and stood out of your chair. He stopped in front of all of you, smiling. "Is she okay?" You asked him.

"She's perfectly fine." You all breathed a sigh of relief. "She's breathing normally, and we got the substance out of her system. Although, I'm afraid that since she's done this before, we'll have to keep her here as an inpatient for a while."

Done this before?

"Can we go back and see her?" Ethan asked the doctor.

He nodded. "Yes. I can show you back there. She is sleeping right now, and we'd like to keep it that way, at least for a little bit, so I'm going to have to ask you to be quiet while you're in and around the room."

"We can do that." Mark stated.

"Then follow me." The doctor gestured towards the double doors, and escorted the four of you to her room.

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