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"Great, you're here, let's go." Mark immediately said, dragging you towards his recording room and shutting the door behind you.

"What's wrong? What happened?" You asked, suddenly nervous.

"What? No, nothing's wrong. I'm just really excited to convey some ideas to you. You remember how I was talking about that new project I wanted to work on last night?"

You giggled nervously. "Actually, no."

Mark put a hand on your forehead. "Are you sick or something? You only had one glass of wine last night, that's not really that much."

You pushed Mark's hand away. "I'm fine, Mark. It might've just been a mix of my pain meds and the alcohol. That's it."

"Alright, fine. So." He turned to his computer and started typing. "I wanted to do a continuation of Damien and Celine's story from the Upside-Down. Got any ideas?"

You thought for a moment before grabbing a small notepad Mark kept on his desk and a pen. "Maybe. Hang on." You wrote for a few minutes as Mark continued to type. After what felt like an eternity, you put the pen back. "Okay, you ready?"

Mark stopped typing and turned to you. "Shoot."

"Alright. So, I know you kinda want it to be as realistic as you can. Right?" Mark nodded. "But... what if we branch off from that? Like, this is going to be in the perspective of being in another dimension, right?" Mark nodded again. "So instead of making it a live-action video and have a whole bunch of problems that go with it, like time constraint, or finding directors and other stuff, why don't we have it as an animation? Or audio drama? It can still measure up to be as suspenseful as a live-action video, but it won't necessarily take as much time, and they'll be far less issues and problems to come across."

Mark thought for a moment. "That's actually not a bad idea. I think I told you before that I wanted to do something like that." You nodded. "That sounds amazing. Any more ideas?"

"Yeah. We can have the storyline kinda confusing, so fans can speculate. It can seem like it's in the past, but at a certain point change it to present day Upside-Down. Or, if you don't like that idea, have a constant loop of everything, like Groundhog Day, and at a certain moment, change the whole storyline up."

"I like the second idea more."

"That's what I thought, too. Also, it shouldn't be just Damien and Celine- I think we should get Darkiplier and maybe even Wilford Warfstache in it. What do you say?"

"What, like, have the turning point be when they come into the story?" You nodded. "That's... an amazing idea. Oh my God, why didn't I think of this stuff?"

You grinned teasingly. "Because you have no creativity."

"Excuse me?" Mark asked in a high-pitched voice. "I have more creativity than you will ever have!"

"Then why'd you have to hire a creative assistant?"

Mark paused for a moment, his mouth hanging open to say something. He grunted. "Fair enough. You win."

You smirked, then handed the pad of paper to him. "Here. Read the rest of the ideas."

Mark smiled when he read the first idea written down, and his smile got continuously wider with each one, until he had a full-fledged grin on his face. "(Y/n), these are amazing... I never would've thought about this stuff on my own. How do you come up with this stuff?"

You shrugged. "I know what you like to put in your videos."

"Yeah, but, like... how?"

"You said before that you wanted to incorporate something unusual into your channel. This seemed pretty unusual to me."

"Wow, okay." He put the notepad down. "Let's use it all."

You giggled. "I feel like you're exaggerating, but okay."

"I'm really not, but okay." He giggled with you. "Okay. We can finish talking about this tomorrow." He reaches into his desk drawer, pulling out a hard drive and handing it to you. "Here. There's some files on here that I want you to see and work on. There's also something special, just for you. I worked really hard on it. Hope you like it." He have you a lopsided smile.

You smiled back, taking the hard drive and stuffing it in your pocket. "Thanks, Mark. I'll look at it as soon as I can."

"Great. You can go now, I have to record."

"Alright. Have fun." You showed yourself out of the room.

"Jesus, (Y/n), this is so cool!" Rose greeted you with a hug. "It's just like what it is in the videos!"

You laughed. "It should be, it's the same office."

"You know what I mean."

Ethan was behind her, laughing, as well. "She can't control herself. She ran around here looking at everything and asking about a million questions." He walked over as Rose pulled away and kissed your cheek. "So, how was it?"

You smiled. "Pretty okay. We just discussed some ideas about a new project Mark wants to work on. He gave me a hard drive with some stuff on it he wanted me to look at. That's basically it." Rose stared at you with big eyes, and you smirked. "No, I will not tell you what the project is about. Just because you're my little sister doesn't mean I'm going to give you spoilers. You're still a fan."

She pouted. "You're no fun."

Ethan laughed again. "Well, if you're ready, we can go back home. Kathryn apparently took all of my work and gave me the day off to spend with you guys." You smiled appreciatively, thankful to get to spend some time with him. "Let's go!"

The three of you raced outside and climbed into the car, looking forward to spend time as a family.

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