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"I guess I should start at the beginning. Hi, I'm (Y/n) (L/n). I'm nineteen years old and I live in Los Angeles, California in an with my three dogs Max, Max, and Ruby. Well, technically the first Max is actually Maxwell, but we just call him Max. I also live with my twenty-one year old boyfriend Ethan Nestor and my little sister Rose (L/n). I work as an editor for a YouTuber named Mark Fishbach, also known as Markiplier. I like singing, dancing, white roses, coffee at Java Joe's, musicals, dogs, and messing around with my best friend Sabrina Witherspoon." You looked at Rose. "What about you?"

She shook her head. "Sorry, just getting over the fact that you actually work for Markiplier. Anyways. Hi, I'm Rose (L/n), a thirteen year old girl that apparently lives in Los Angeles with her sister, boyfriend, and three dogs. I previously lived in Irvine, California with my uncle Joshua, dad, and mom. I love YouTube, anything Marvel, drinking soda, walking on the beach and in nature, and listening to music." She looked up at you. "Anything else you want to know."

Ethan answered immediately. "Favorite food?"

"Chicken tacos." She answered. "Mom had this great recipe for them, but she never told me how to make it."

You grinned. "Mom gave me a copy of it when I moved out. Maybe we can make it together."

She grinned back. "Cool!"

Joshua laughed. "Seems like you two are getting along just fine."

"I think so." You commented. "We'll do fine on our own, once I get out of here."

The door flew open, and Sabrina barged into the room. "I heard from Jakob that there was a little girl in here." She spotted Rose and squealed. "Ohmygosh, you are adorable! You look a lot like (Y/n). Are you two sisters or something?"

You laughed. "Rose, this is Sabrina. Sabrina, this is Rose, my little sister."

Sabrina squealed again, picking her up and spinning her around. "That's so cool! Hi Rose, I can already tell that we're going to be great friends."

Rose giggled, smacking Sabrina's arms playfully. "Put me down, I'm getting dizzy!" She was still giggling when Sabrina put her back on the floor.

Sabrina looked at you. "Anything new in your life?"

"We were actually just talking about that- Rose is moving in with Ethan and I."

"Really? That's great! Another excuse to come by more often!" She paused for a brief moment. "But where will she sleep? The guest room is already taken up by Ethan's recording stuff."

You smiled at her. "We have a solution. You'll find out about it later when I can get out of here."

"Sweet." She gasped, turning to Ethan. "You will not believe what Brian asked me earlier?"

Ethan grinned expectantly. "What?"

She jumped up and down. "He asked me on a date! Ohmygosh, I'm so excited! We're going for coffee at Java Joe's, then a movie, then a club, then a super secret thing that he won't tell me about. It's gonna be so cool!"

"Sabrina!" You cheered. "That's amazing! When is it?"

"Next week, when he's less busy streaming and trying to catch up with videos. He already made the reservations and everything. He even bought a new suit just for the night!"

"I'm happy for you two." Ethan commented. "You're going to have a great time. Brian's a great guy."

"Oh, I know. We've been talking ever since the day we met." She sighed, falling into a chair. "I can't wait."

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