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"God, I'm so tired." You held back a yawn, meaning back on the hospital bed.

"No. Don't sleep yet." Ethan stated. "Not until the doctor comes in to check on you."

"But I wanna sleep now!"

Mark laughed from his chair. "Are you still high on anesthesia and drugs or just painfully adorable?"

You stretched your arms up, ignoring the pain from your abdomen that came with it. "Can I be both?"

"Of course you can." Amy said, coming to your side and squeezing your hand. "He's just teasing you."

A voice came on through the speaker in the room. "Visiting hours are over. All visitors who are not staying, please leave the building. Have a nice night and safe trip home."

"That's our cue, guys." Mark stood up from his chair, walked around the bed, and gave you a careful hug. "Stay safe. The doctors will take care of you." He pulled away. "And we'll come right back if something happens."

Amy smiled. "He's kidding."

"I'm really not."

Amy's smile fell. "But we'll come back in the morning when Mark's done recording." She looked over at Ethan. "You're going to stay with her, right?"

Ethan nodded seriously. "Of course. Always."

Amy's smile came back. "Alright then. Nothing to worry about."

Mark took Amy's hand. "Night, guys." He gave a small salute and you and Ethan waved them out the room. The door clicked shut behind them.

You sighed, looking at Ethan, and he nodded. "I know, you don't want them to go. I really don't want them to leave, either. But they'll be back in the morning, and we can hang out and talk all we want. It'll be great."

You gave him a small smile. "You always know just what to say."

"I've gotten pretty good at guessing."

There was a knock at the door, and an older woman in scrubs walked into the room, looking at a clipboard. She looked up, and her face beamed with warm recognition. "Hey, I know you."

Ethan looked at her. "Me?"

The woman shook her head. "No. Her." She gestured towards you, smiling. "(Y/n), right?" You nodded. "My daughter has a picture of you and her as her lock screen on her phone. Does the name Sabrina Redlin ring a bell?"

Your eyes widened. "Sabrina? You're her mom?"

The woman nodded proudly. "Yep. She was really happy when she came home from that convention in Indianapolis. She said that she met the coolest person there, and that you guys were friends now."

You smiled to yourself. "Well, I like to think that I was the one who met the coolest person there."

"I'm sure she'd be glad to hear that. Anyways, sorry to change the subject abruptly, but it's time for business. My name's Katelyn, and I'm one of your nurses." She flipped through the papers on the clipboard. "Yikes. Bad car wreck, huh? How're you doing?"

You shifted slightly. "Physically, the pain is tolerable, but still hurts. Otherwise, really tired but surprisingly calm and happy."

Katelyn nodded. "That's good to hear. I'll come back later with another dose of painkillers, and it should help you. And you shouldn't sleep for at least another two hours due to your concussion. I can bring you some food from the cafeteria along with your medicine if you're feeling hungry, or you can wait until morning."

You nodded. "Please? I might not eat it, but I'm pretty sure Ethan will. I don't think he's ate anything since he's been here."

He groaned, but showed a smile. "You're right. I was too worried about you."

Katelyn smiled. "Alright, coming right up." She gave a brief nod to the both of you and made her way to the door. She stopped abruptly at the doorway and spoke over her shoulder. "Actually, Sabrina's waiting for me at the nurse's desk- she works in the cafeteria. We were planning to go home together. I can talk to her and send her down here to chat with you. She can stay here with you two if you guys want."

You looked at Ethan, pleading with him. He turned to Katelyn. "You really don't hate to do that, Katelyn-"

"But I want to." She turned around. "(Y/n) saved my daughter's life not too long ago. Sabrina was in a dark place before that convention. I bought her a plane ticket and a three-day pass to go because I thought it would help. The night before leaving, she had contemplated taking her own life. When she got back, there was a dramatic change in her. She immediately started talking about you two, especially about all the tome you guys had spent together." Her posture was starting to crumble, and she was sniffling. "If it weren't for you two, my daughter might not be alive right now. The least I can do to repay you back is let her be here for you two."

Ethan grimaced. "I didn't want to make you cry." Ethan walked up to her, pulling her into a tight embrace. "Sabrina means so much to (Y/n). They're the best of friends. If she wants to come here and stay with us, she can."

Katelyn snuffed again, pulling away. Her voice shook as she spoke, wiping the tears off of her face. "Thank you. Thank you both." She quickly walked out before she could do any more damage to herself.

Ethan turned to you, a look of horror written on his face. "Sabrina wanted to kill herself? Did you ever hear about this? Did she ever tell you?"

You nodded slowly. "Yeah. Once, while we were at Indy Popcon. Her backstory is just... horrifying." You sighed. "At least I was there. At least I changed her life and her mind. She's a better person now."

Ethan walked back to your side, taking your hand in his. He lifted it up to his lips and kissed the back of it. "All because of you."

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