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"I wonder what Sabrina's going to think when she sees you."

You giggled. "Probably 'what the hell happened to you?'."

The door burst open, and Sabrina slid across the floor, stopping at the foot of the bed. She looked at you with a straight face. "What the hell happened to you?"

Ethan laughed. "How did I know?"

You smiled at Sabrina. "Car wreck."

She was silent for a moment, then jabbed her thumb in Ethan's direction. "Was he driving?"

"No." Ethan lied. Sabrina stared him down, and he rubbed his neck nervously. "Maybe."

Sabrina walked over to him and smacked the back of his head. "Keep your eyes on the road instead of looking at your girlfriend, doofus." You giggled, and she looked back at you, the look on her face turning serious. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"Head-on collision." You answered. "Then it... kinda turned into a care pileup."

"How many were involved? Besides yours, of course."

"Three, including the one that hit head-on."

"Okay, how bad was the damage?"

"Major concussion, burst spleen, and internal bleeding."

Sabrina's eyes widened. "Oh my God. Wow. That's a lot. I'm glad you're okay now." She paused for a moment. "You are okay, right?"

You nodded. "Yeah, I think so."

Katelyn walked into the room, holding a small cup with a large pill in it and a plastic cup of water. "Here- take this." She handed both to you, then walked out into the hallway, bringing in a tray of food. "Here's dinner for you. Have a nice night." She looked at Sabrina. "I'll be back in the morning. Keep your friend safe and alive."

Sabrina smiled. "I will, I promise. Get home safe, Mom." Katelyn left without another word.

"Must be nice to still have a mom." You blurted out, not thinking.

Sabrina spun around immediately. "Hey hey hey. Don't say that. Don't think that. We're your family now. We're the only family you need right now."

"She's right." Ethan nodded. "The only people you need to worry about are in this room right now. We're happy, and healthy, and we care about you. Don't think about anything else besides us and getting out of that hospital bed."

You nodded, taking the pill along with a drink of water. "You're right."

"We always are." Sabrina smirked.

"There's no we. It's only me." Ethan stated.

"Oh yeah? Who got (Y/n) into the hospital in the first place?" She fired back.

"Guys, guys!" You were giggling. "There's no need to fight!"

"Fine, fine." Sabrina half her hands up in defense, then collapsed into a chair. "I'm exhausted. I think I'm gonna go to sleep." She yawned, grabbing a pillow from the chair next to hers. "Night, guys."

"Night, Sabrina." You and Ethan said simultaneously.

Ethan turned to you. "Ya know, maybe we should go to bed, too."

"But Katelyn said I should stay up for a little bit more."

"I'll look after you. Promise. But you have to be tired." You nodded, stifling a yawn. "Then I see no harm in going to bed." He sat in a chair right next to you, grabbing a pillow as well and getting comfortable. "Night, babe."

"Night, Ethan." You reached over and turned off the lap, getting settled into the unfamiliar bed.

Hours later, you found yourself still awake, frightened about falling asleep. You had been staring at the ceiling for a long time, not wanting to do anything to wake the other two up. You tilted your head, looking at Ethan. You figured he was asleep, noting his even breaths, but then saw his eyelashes flutter from the dim moon and street lights.

You say up slightly. "Ethan?" You whispered.

He straightened his posture. "Yeah?"

"I thought you were asleep."

"I thought you were. Go to bed."

"I can't. I'm..." The word didn't come. You licked your lips, took a breath, and tried again. "I'm scared to."

"Babe." You could tell in the dim light that he was smiling. "I think it's been enough time. You can go to bed. You won't die, or fall into a coma, or something."

"But what if I do?"

Ethan sighed, then reached over and took your hand. "You're right. It's okay. I'm here with you."



"Will you stay with me? I mean, if I ever find myself in a hospital again? Will you stay with me?"

He lifted your hand to his lips, kissing the back of it. "Every minute, every second, unless you say otherwise."

Something clicked inside your brain. You started having thoughts about your future with Ethan, and where you wanted it to lead. You realized that you wanted it to happen soon.

Ask me.

"You'd do anything for me." You told him.

"Of course I would."

Marry me.

"I love you." You said instead.

"I love you, too."

I'll say "yes". I know I would.

"Thank you for being here with me."

Ethan smiled at you in the dim light. "You're welcome."

You yawned, laying back, still holding Ethan's hand. "Never let go." Because my parents are gone. Because I could have a terminal illness from them. Because my life's falling apart. Because I'm becoming depressed, and I know it.

"I would never."

You knew these ideas were impractical. Ethan seemed content with your timeline, and you knew that you were, too. He didn't want to rush into things. He wanted to make sure that everything would work out, and you could actually be good for each other. You knew this, and you agreed with it. It was best to give it time.

Maybe someday.

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