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The next day, you were at a small coffee shop with Sabrina, trying to muster up the courage to tell her the news. She had been talking for the last five minutes about her recent date with Brian, and it didn't seem like she was stopping soon.

"So he took me to his place and we watched a movie. Then we drove to the park and walked around. We sat on the swings and just talked about life while looking at the stars. He took me home, kissed my cheek, and waited until I was inside before driving away." She sighed happily. "He's the sweetest guy I've ever met. I really like him."

You smiled. "That's great. I'm glad you're happy."

"So what about you? How's life going?"

You shrugged. "Pretty okay. Rose is a lot better now. She's spending a lot of time with Amy, since Ethan and I are behind on work. She's happy, though."

"That's good. What about Ethan?"

"He's a little stressed, but he's almost caught up on videos, so hopefully that'll go away. I still have a lot of projects to work on for Mark. Since he learned I went to college for music production, he's been asking me to compose some songs for projects, and a new outro. I also have to edit a script he gave me, and make an idea for a whole new one." You sighed, resting your chin in your hand. "Kind of hard to find a wedding dress with all this work, especially without a Maid of Honor."

Sabrina stared at you. "What? Why would you need to find a wedding dress?" You stared back, and her eyes slowly widened as a grin appeared on her face. "Shut up. Shut up, shut up! Are you serious?"

You nodded. "I am."

She jumped up from the table and pulled you out of your seat. "You're getting married! Oh, this is the happiest day of my life!"

You giggled. "You're not the one getting married, though."

"Excuse you, I might not be getting married, but I'm going to be the Maid of Honor at my best friend's wedding, and that's exciting for me." The two of you sat back down. "So you need help finding a dress?"

You nodded. "Yeah. Well, I obviously need help finding the perfect one, but maybe you can help me get away from work for long enough. Hell, let's make it a girl's day and bring Amy and Rose with to bring bridesmaid dresses."

Sabrina grinned. "Sounds like a plan. Is next week okay?"

"I'll have to check in with Amy, but anything to get me away from overworking."

"Cool. Should I talk to Brian about this?"

"Nah, I'm pretty sure Ethan's got it-"

At that moment, Brian walked into the shop, followed by Ethan. He looked around before finding you two and raced over. "Come on. Show me the ring."

Ethan appeared behind him. "I'm sorry, I told him and he had to come here-"

You waved it off. "It's fine, Ethan, don't worry about it."

"Show. Me. The ring." Brian repeated.

"I don't have one, sorry."

Ethan stepped in front of Brian and pulled out a black box, setting it down in front of you. "Yeah you do."

Sabrina grabbed it before you could and opened it, smiling. "Oh, it's so pretty!" She looked up at you. "You've got a keeper there, (Y/n)."

You smiled at her. "I know." You took the box from her and looked at it yourself. It was a silver band with a small, square diamond. "Oh, wow, it really is pretty."

"It was my grandmother's." Ethan explained. "She told me to give it to the woman I wanted to marry."

"Aw, that's so sweet." You carefully pulled the ring out, then looked at him. "I don't have to put it on myself, do I?"

"No, I can do that." He kneeled down and took the ring, gently sliding it on your finger, He raised your hand to his lips, kissing the back of it.

Sabrina squealed quietly. "So cute!"

Ethan glanced at her. "You didn't have to stare."

"Kind of hard not to when you're right in front of us." Brian smirked.

"Whatever." Ethan looked at you. "Now all that's left is the planning."

"And getting the dresses and suits." You pointed out. "When are you getting yours?"

"When you get yours."

"What? No, that's bad luck!" Sabrina exclaimed. "You can't come with!"

Ethan laughed. "I was kidding! Maybe I'll go on the same day, but I won't come with."

"Good." Sabrina nodded.

Brian tugged on Ethan's arm. "Okay, I did what I came to do. Let's go back to your house."

You and Sabrina stood up. "We'll come with." Sabrina said. "Let's make it a friend night."

You smiled. "Sure, sounds like fun."

The four of you left the shop, holding hands with your partner. You felt excited for the weeks to come, and slowly, your fears melted away until all that was left was your love for Ethan.

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