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The next day at around noon, there was a knock on the front door. Ethan had been recording all day, and Rose was upstairs in the library, so you got up from the couch to answer it. An older man and woman stood outside, along with a guy that seemed to be a few years older than you.

The woman smiled at you. "Hi, sorry to bother you. We must have the wrong address-"

You shook your head. "No, it's perfectly fine. Who are you looking for?"

"Ethan Nestor." She answered.

You giggled. "Well, you've definitely come to the right place. Come on in. Ethan's in his recording room, but I'll go let him know you're all here." You moved to let them all in, and you closed the door after them before making your way to the stairs.

Rose appeared at the landing. "Who's here?"

"Just a couple people here to see Ethan. Mind keeping them company while I go get him?" She nodded and ran past you to the living room.

You made your way up to the second floor to Ethan's recording room. It was silent inside, so you knocked on the door. You heard a quiet "come in" before opening the door and stepping in.

Ethan sat in front of his computer. He had just taken his headphones off and stood from his chair, stretching. He looked over at you and grinned. "Hey, babe."

You grinned back. "Hey yourself." You walked over to him, kissing him briefly. "There's some people downstairs wanting to see you."

Ethan tilted his head. "Already? I told them yesterday." He took your hand. "Come on, let's go." He led you downstairs and to the living room, where Rose sat and talked with the visitors.

"What's your name?" The man around your age asked Rose.

"I'm Rose. Who're you?"

"Andrew. I love your name."

"Aw, thank you! I like yours, too."

Ethan smiled at the visitors. "Hey!" Everyone looked up at him. "I didn't expect you all to come this soon."

The older male stood up, hugging Ethan. "Well, we had to. Just couldn't resist meeting your special lady."

Ethan hugged everyone before turning to you. "This is my family- Annie, my mom, Mark, my dad, and Andrew, my brother." He then pulled you closer, wrapping an arm around your waist. "Guys, this is (Y/n), my fiancé. Rose is her little sister who lives with us."

Ethan's mother smiled at you. "Of course. It's great to meet you, (Y/n)."

You smiled back at her. "It's great to meet you, too. Ethan's told me all about you, and you all seem just as wonderful as he said you are."

Andrew laughed. "From Ethan? That's hard to believe."

Ethan punched his brother's shoulder. "I hate you."


Ethan's father laughed. "Alright, you two, calm down."

You started a pot of coffee and gave a cup to everyone before settling down in the living room to talk. Andrew told you stories about Ethan that made him blush madly, and Ethan's parents told you about their life in Maine and what Ethan was like growing up. 

Eventually, his mom put down her coffee cup and turned to you. "So tell us about yourself, (Y/n). "What was your childhood like? What do you do as a job?"

You smiled. "Well, I grew up in West Virginia. My childhood was pretty boring for the most part- school was the same for me as it was for everyone else. I never got into any fights or got into trouble with the law. I was a pretty good kid for the most part. I moved out here for college and got a degree in music production, but no one wanted to hire me, so I got an apartment and a job as a barista for a small coffee shop in town- that's actually how Ethan and I met. Anyway, I now work for Mark, the same person Ethan edits for. I edit, too, as well as help him come up with projects, scripts, songs, and ideas for videos."

"And your parents?" Andrew asked. "Where are they?"

"Oh, they're... they passed away."

Ethan's father looked at you with sympathy. "Oh, I'm so sorry."

You shrugged. "I'm over it. They were both in and out of the hospital since I was young- my mom had problems with cancer since she was thirty, and my dad had a few major surgeries since I was born. I kind of knew it was going to come, so it didn't really upset me like it would have anyone else."

"Did you at least see them before they passed?"

You nodded. "They came to visit me a week before to tell me everything- my mom had been diagnosed with stage four cancer, and my dad had a tumor in his head that could've killed him. In the end, they both passed away on the same day."

Ethan's mother looked at you. "So there's no one left to walk you down the aisle?"

"No one except my uncle Joshua, but from his recent actions, I don't think he'll be invited to the wedding."

Andrew opened his mouth to say something, but Ethan shook his head. "Don't. It's a long story."

Ethan's father nodded. "Okay. But, (Y/n), if there's anything we can do for you, please let us know. You, too, Rose. You're both a part of the family, now."

You smiled, looking at the coffee mug in your hands. "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

"Of course." Andrew nodded. "We wouldn't have it any other way."

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