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Amy and Jakob barged into the room about an hour later. "Hi so uhm there's an older guy out here that looks like he could be (Y/n)'s father and he's with a little girl." Amy stated

You giggled. "That would be uncle Joshua and Rose. Can you let them in?"

"Do you want to be alone with them?" You nodded. "Alright. Mark and I are gonna come back in and talk for a while. We're heading home soon to eat lunch, but we'll be back." She left the room.

Ethan looked at you, a smile on his face. "Are you ready to meet your sister?"

You took a deep breath, nodding. "I think so."

Jakob raised an eyebrow. "Sister?"

"Long story, don't ask." Jakob nodded, taking your answer.

You heard a child's voice from down the hallway. "...why I had to come, too. I'm old enough to stay at the house by myself."

"Because there's someone I think you should meet." A louder, more prominent male voice announced. "We're here."

Slowly, your uncle Joshua entered the room, followed by a little girl who looked like you in a lot of ways. She looked to be about eleven or twelve, with short black hair and emerald eyes.

She looked around the room, her jaw dropping. "Oh... oh my God... I know who you are." She was referring to Ethan.

Ethan grinned at her. "Nice to meet you! What's your name?"

It looked like she had to think for a moment. "Rose! Rose (L/n)!"

Ethan glanced at you for a moment. "Well, hello Rose. I'm Ethan."

Rose nodded dumbly. "I know who you are."

Joshua ignored the conversation, walking up to your side opposite of Ethan. "Are you doing okay?" His eyes traced over the healing cuts and stitches on your face.

You nodded. "I'm fine, I promise." You felt Ethan let go of your hand and turned your head to see him writing an autograph for Rose. You smiled. "Especially since he's here."

Ethan paused to look at you. "If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in here."

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have someone I can call family."

"Fair point." He went back to signing the autograph.

"I'm sorry about your parents." Joshua muttered. "I know it must be hard for you."

You shrugged. "I knew it was coming some day. I just wasn't prepared for it."

Rose perked up. "Your parents died?" You nodded, and she made her way up to you. "So did mine. It was hard at the beginning, but it became easier once I realized that it was pretty inevitable."

You smiled. "That's a big word, Rose. You're a smart girl."

She smiled back. "Thanks. You're pretty nice."

You looked back at Joshua. "Anyways, I think I should introduce you two. That's Jakob, my nurse." You pointed to Jakob, who waved. "And this is my boyfriend, Ethan." You jabbed your thumb at him.

Rose squealed. "You're dating?" You nodded. "That's so cool! I mean, sweet, but cool!"

Joshua grinned. "Allow me to introduce all of you. I'm Joshua, the uncle, and this is Rose, (Y/n)'s younger sister."

Rose stared up at him. "...I have a sister?"

You nodded. "Apparently. You're not the only one here who just found this out."

Rose looked at Joshua. "She's my sister?" She looked at Ethan. "I'm going to be related to that mess?"

Ethan grinned. "Hey! We've only been dating for one month!"

"Oh, shut up, you're going to marry her someday. Am I right or am I right?" Ethan blushed, shrinking in his seat. "That's what I thought."

Amy entered the room, holding a plastic cup filled with tea. "Sorry, I got something from the cafeteria." She looked at Rose and grinned, running up to her. "Oh my gosh, who is this cutie! You are so adorable! You look like a younger version of (Y/n). Are you two sisters?"

Ethan chuckled. "You should've been here five minutes ago when we answered that question."

She shot him a look. "I'm sorry, I was busy waiting in line for tea." She looked at you. "Mark and I have to go now, though. We'll be back soon, I promise. And that you can count on."

You smiled. "Get out of here. Eat some food. I think I'm in good hands here."

Amy's smile fell as he looked at everyone seriously, especially Ethan. "Take care of her, okay?" They all nodded, and the two left the room.

"She seems... protective of you." Rose pointed out.

"She's just like that because she's hurt." Ethan said. "Well, and because she almost believes I don't deserve her."

You gasped dramatically. "You better not be messing with me, Ethan!"

He laughed. "Okay, I'm not. She's just cautious around his friends. She wants to be sure they're okay."

It was Rose's turn to gasp. "Ohmygosh, I was so caught up in the moment, I forgot to ask- why are you in here, anyways?"

You smiled at her. "Bad car wreck. I'm in here for a few more days. I'm okay, though, I promise."

Rose raises her eyebrows. "If you really were okay, you wouldn't be here."

Joshua grinned. "Already protective of her, are you?" Rose blushed, shrinking back to the wall.

You laughed. "I really am fine. Well, except for this concussion. But they fixed up everything else. I'm okay now. There's no need to be nervous."

"Are you sure?" She asked quietly.


Ethan gasped. "Oh my God, you're pregnant?"

You laughed again, smacking his shoulder. "Stop being an idiot."

Rose grinned. "I still can't believe you two are dating."

"Me neither." Ethan chimed in. "I had to ask her twice if we could date. She insisted on getting to know me more the first time."

"Sounds just like (Y/n)." Joshua said.

Rose looked up at him. "Uncle Josh?" She asked, causing him to look down at her. "Did you make me pack my bags because I'm moving in with her?"

Joshua nodded. "Yes, sweetie. You're going to be living with your sister now."

Rose looked like she was about to cry. "But... but I want to stay with you."

Joshua kneeled down. "Hey, you don't have to be upset. You can still come visit me whenever you want in Irvine. But I really think you'll enjoy being with your sister."

"Really?" She sniffed.

Joshua gave her a hopeful smile. "Really. You can get to know each other, make new friends, and maybe even be friends with Mark and Ethan." Rose started to smile back. "Trust me, Rose- it's a good idea."

"Okay. If you think I should, I will." She wiped her face with her sleeve, then turned to you. "So... what do you do? What are you like? Tell me everything."

You smiled. "That's a long story to tell."

"We have the time."

You leaned back in the bed. "Okay, I guess. As long as you do the same thing. Okay?" Rose nodded vigorously. "Alright, here it goes."

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