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Huo etan



Are you okay?

Yes, whi wouldnt i bee

You're not spelling correctly
You have OCD when it comes to
What's going on?

M fine, ethan

No you're not
What happened?




Are you drunk?



i dont now

Yes you do, you're just not talking
about it
What happened?

i dont wana talk bout it ovr txt

I'll come over

M drnk and cring

Now I'm definitely coming over
Be there in ten minutes

Nu, plz
Stay were u re
I dont want yu to se mee

I don't care what you say, I'm
coming over



Cn you brig ice crem?

Of course

Yure the beast

Twenty minutes later, you were sobbing into Ethan's arms on your bedroom floor, an empty bottle of whiskey in front of you. You were drunk, and hurt, but he didn't care. He only wanted you to get better.

Once your tears stopped, Ethan held you out at arm's length. "Now can you tell me what happened?"

You wiped your face. "I don't know if I can..."

"Please, at least try." Ethan sounded hurt. "I want to know."

You sniffed, and it all came pouring out. "The whole reason as to why my parents came over and are staying for the week is because my mom has stage four cancer and will probably die soon and my dad has been having frequent headaches and they recently found out that he has a tumor in his brain but the doctor can't take it out or else he'll die but he'll die if it stays in so my parents didn't know what to do and they felt like I needed to know so they came over to spend their last moments with me and I don't think I can handle it and that's why I've been drinking because I thought it would help but I got a little carried away and got drunk and now I feel bad and scared because my family has a history of alcoholics and I don't want to be like that and-"

Ethan put his hand gently over your mouth. "Okay, I think I get the gist of it." He slowly uncovered your mouth, making sure you wouldn't start to ramble again. "Does this sort of thing happen often? The drinking, I mean."

You nodded. "Yeah, but not this much. Maybe a small glass of wine or whiskey every weekend or so. But that's it."

"When's the last time you drank this heavily?"

You thought for a long moment before shaking your head. "I can't remember. Maybe ask me again when I'm sober."

He nodded. "I'll do that. Can you remember how long your mom's had cancer?"

You thought again and nodded. "For a couple years now, I think."

"So this isn't recent?" You shook your head. "Okay. And has your dad had a tumor before?" You nodded. "And they took it out?" You nodded again. "Why can't they take it out this time?"

You shrugged. "I don't know. I can't remember what they said about it."

"That's okay. I'll ask again in the morning."

Your eyes widened. "The morning? Are you staying here? I mean, did I ask you to stay?"

"Yes, you did." You couldn't tell if he was lying or not. You decided that he wasn't lying, and that you just can't remember telling him that.

"What about our date?" You asked, suddenly nervous.

"It's not a date anymore, remember? We changed our plans. We were going to have dinner with your parents."

"Going to? Did they get canceled?"

"Now they did."


"Because you're drunk and hurting, and you need to get better. Come on. Get up." He slowly stood you up, and when you were upright, you fell right into his chest.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." You muttered as he stood you upright again.

"It's okay, don't worry." He gently led you to your bed, laid you down under the covers, and tucked you in. "Lay down. Go to sleep. I'll be back, I promise."

You quickly grabbed his hand. "You're leaving me? Why?"

"I have to go home and get my stuff. And your parents need to know that we can't go to dinner. I'll only be gone for a short while. Okay?"

You started to cry again, sitting up in bed. "No. You can't leave me. Please don't leave."

"Baby, don't do this." Ethan said softly. "I have to go. Thirty minutes at the maximum. I'll be back before you know it."

"Ethan, please don't go." You shook your head. "I don't want to be alone."

"I don't have any clothes to change into. I don't have my phone charger. I need to go back."

"I have a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt that's too big for me on my dresser, and an extra charger in my nightstand." You squeezed his hand. "Please..."

He sighed. "Fine. I'll stay. But I have to go in the bathroom to change."

You nodded. "Okay. Just... don't leave."

He kissed your forehead. "I won't." You slowly let go of his hand, and he walked into the bathroom to change into the clothes left on the dresser.

When he emerged, he slipped under the covers next to you, wrapping his arm around you.

You smiled, your eyes slipping shut. "You're still here."

He kissed your hair. "I promised I would be." He squeezed you gently. "Please, get better."

You slipped effortlessly into sleep.

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