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"(Y/n)!" Mark yelled out, sprinting into the editing room of the office.

You looked up from the computer you were at. "Yes? What's up?"

"I got it. The detective and the filmmakers for the project. I already sent the script to them. We start filming next week."

You smiled. "That's great! I can't wait."

"Are you ready to be the editor?"

"I sure hope so. I mean, with my lessons from Ethan and Kathryn, I think I'll be fine. Are you ready to be a director?"

He grinned. "I think I am." He glanced at the computer. "Hey, what're you doing?"

You gave him a confused look before remembering. "Oh yeah! Ethan had to go do something, so he asked if I could finish editing your video for him. Does it look okay?"

Mark walked over and looked at your progress. "Yep, looks great! When you're done with it, make sure you put it on the hard drive, okay?"

You gave him a two-fingered salute. "Will do, Sir."

He laughed. "You're weird."

"Thanks for the compliment."

Ethan ran into the room. "Hi, sorry! That took longer than I planned it to be."

You smiled. "That's okay. I just finished the edit."

He sighed. "Thank you, (Y/n). It means a lot."

You quickly saved the edit and put the file in the hard drive. "Don't mention it. But you have to pay me back someday."

He walked over, kissing the top of your head. "Maybe later tonight?"

"Sounds perfect."

"Blech," Mark joked. "Disgusting. Two people in love."

"Oh, shut up, Mark." Ethan laughed. "You're with Amy, and you're happy with her."

"He better be!" Amy yelled from the next room. "Or else I'm moving out and taking Chica with me!"

"Not Chica!" Mark screamed, running off to go find her.

You laughed. "He's weird."

"Yeah, he is. But you'll get used to his weirdness eventually."

"How long is 'eventually'?"

"Years, probably." He glanced at the computer. "Did you show Mark the edit?" You nodded. "Did he like it?"

"Yeah, he did. He said it was great."

"That's good. At least you aren't too bad."

You grinned. "Shut up, you think my edits are good, too."

He grinned, as well. "Got me there. Hey, since we're both done for the day, do you wanna go for coffee?"

You stared at him. "Ethan, it's four o'clock in the afternoon. Why would I want coffee at this time?"

"Because you like drinking it, and it's at your favorite place."

You perked up. "Java Joe's?"


You scowled. "Don't even joke about that."

He laughed, messing with your hair. "Chill out, babe. Of course it's Java Joe's. Why would I take you to Starbucks?"

"Because it's where we first saw each other in person?"

"Well, yes, but you got fired from there. If I were to ever take you to a Starbucks, it wouldn't be here in LA."

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