Chapter 9

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This chapter is dedicated to @princely_A_seun, @carrie980 and @itz_shifana

"Hello Lizzy."

Elizabeth Michaels' cheerful high pitched voice came on the line. "Don't tell me you're still awake at this hour or did I wake you up?" 

Lizzy, as she was called for short, was her best friend. Her only friend in fact. They met in their first year at the university and just like Laura, she was also from a rich family. Her father owned hotels and her mother was a lawyer, while her elder brother assisted their father in controlling the family business. She was studying the same course with Laura in school and was the only one that stood up for Laura against her step family and bullies, the girl could use her mouth to put someone in their place and on many occasions, she had been Laura's hero and was fiercely protective of her.

"Not...really." Laura answered softly trying not to sniff and Lizzy chuckled.

"That's a lie. From the dullness of your voice, I can tell that I was the one that woke you up. Sorry, couldn't sleep, so I decided to disturb a few people." Lizzy said in her fast but fluent speech.

"No don't understand..."
She sniffed this time and there was sudden silence on the other line. The lull before the storm, Laura thought, distracted for a moment.

"What did they did to you Lau?"
Lizzy asked in an angry voice.


"Just tell me!"

Laura sighed then explained what had ensued that night, leaving out the identity of the man that had brought her home.

"What?!" Lizzy exclaimed and Laura thought her phone vibrated in her hand.
"Those bitches kicked you out? Those dirty, ugly bunch of shits threw you out of your father's house at this time of the night?"

"I've always known that she hated me but I didn't know she hated me to the extent of sending me out of the house at such an ungodly hour."
Laura whispered.

"I'm coming to get you."



Laura's eyes widened.


"You can't come alone in a car at this time Lizzy, it's not safe."

Lizzy groaned.
"Have you forgotten that I club? I come back at a later time than this with my fellow clubbers, Lau. It's not that late right now."

"Lizzy, please come with someone, maybe your brother, if he isn't asleep." Laura insisted.

" should have told me you were missing my brother." Lizzy said dreamily.

"Lizzy, don't start."
Laura scolded and Lizzy laughed.

"Alright, lemme get him and then we'll come over. Hold on okay?"

"Okay, I'll be waiting."
She hung up and hugged her legs as the cold kept increasing, making her shiver.

About thirty minutes later, the flashlight of a car caught Laura's attention and she quickly stood up as she recognized the car as Lizzy's elder brother's car.

She quickly ran towards it before it got to the gate, she couldn't risk letting her stepmother think a man was coming to pick her up and her accusation proven right.

"Lau hop in." Lizzy said and Laura opened the door and went in.

"Thanks Lizzy, you're a gem. Hello Dexter, good evening." She acknowledged Lizzy's brother.

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