Chapter 42

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"No way!" Celina boomed pacing up and down the living room.

"It is what it is, mother."
Samantha said tearfully as she sat on the couch with a mug of tea in her hands, legs tucked in.

"I will not allow this to happen!"

"It already has!" Samantha snapped in annoyance. "Greg already knows that Sydney is not his son and asides that, I believe he has regained his memory. It's over mum."

"No it's not!" Celina said stubbornly. "This can't be over, not after everything we did to get you to that position."

"Mum you don't understand," Samantha said wearily. "I already confessed to Greg that Sydney is not his! And there's no way he's gonna take me back after catching me in bed with that moron!"

"Well you are as much of a moron as that fool he caught you in his bed with." Celina snapped. "How could you be so stupid and careless? Sleeping with another man in his house, in his bedroom! What kind of stupidity is that?"

"I wasn't expecting him until in the evening!"

"And so what you foolish child? Gosh, I can't believe I gave birth to you!"
Celina sat down in weariness and anger. "After all the hard work, you just had to go and spoil things and destroy all we have managed to build this past year!"

"And the next to be destroyed are your lives if do you not start confessing to your crimes."

Both women froze as they heard the familiar voice and stood up sharply.

Just then, Chief West walked in and there wasn't a tiny stretch of smile on his face.

The two ladies were shocked to see him as he was supposed to be out of the country.

Celina recovered quickly and a big nervous smile appeared on her face.
"Darling! What a pleasant surprise, we weren't expecting you."

She made to go embrace him but he raised his hand and she halted in her tracks.
"What is it honey?" She asked with a frown of both fear and confusion.

"Save it Celina." West gritted. "I do not have the time to pretend that I do not know what you and your daughter have been up to this past year in my absence."

"What are you talking about Chief?"

"And there's no need to pretend," he added, anger evident on his aging face. "Mirabel already told us everything. And I mean, everything."

The women's eyes widened in fear and guilt.

"How could you Celina? How could you?"

"Chief I still do not know what you're talking about."
Celina insisted, trying in vain to wipe the guilt off her face.

This seemed to anger the chief more.
"Everyone in."

The door opened again to reveal Mirabel who slowly walked in, aware of what she had done, then was followed by Laura, Lizzy, Greg, Theo - Greg's friend at the hospital, Greg's sister Freda and a young man that made Celina and Samantha go pale in shock.

"What's going on here?" Celina asked with shaky voice.

"Cut the pretence, Celina." West snapped. "We know everything."

"Mirabel what have you done?" Celina gritted and stared at her youngest daughter in hatred.

"I'm sorry mum, I couldn't just stand by and watch you destroy Laura's life anymore." Mirabel said softly.

"And you believe this little girl over your own wife?" Celina snapped at West.

"Oh she's not the only witness to your and your daughter's evil deeds." West said. He turned to stranger in their midst. "Young man tell us exactly what you told us earlier."
He said and went over to sit on the couch gesturing to the others to do the same.

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