Chapter 35

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She had seen them when they walked in. Had felt his presence when he was around.
She wasn't surprised he was here, after all he was a public figure and she knew he had been invited.

And the bitch was with him.

She was the one who was supposed to be by his side and not Samantha. She was the one he should be loving and not Samantha.
Well that was going to change. She would make sure of that.

She rolled her eyes. She had been saying that for the past few months, yet there was nothing she had achieved when it came to getting her man back. She sighed.
What was wrong with her? If she really wanted a future with Greg in it, then she had to fight before it was too late and that's why her plan had to be successful tonight.

"Enjoying the party?"

She smiled at Dexter. "Yes. Very much."

He nodded and looked around. "Have you seen my sister this evening?"

"Yes, she came to the table,"  with Ronald  "to say hi when you went to the bathroom."
She said, skipping the Ronald part because she didn't know how Lizzy's elder brother would react to that and she didn't want to be the one to tell him that Ronald and Lizzy were seeing each other. That was left to Lizzy to do.

But the couple really looked good together. She mused with a smile as she saw them in a private corner whispering intimately.

"That girl, I wonder what she's up to now." Dexter groaned.

"Allow her to enjoy herself, Dexter." Laura scolded with a smile. "She is not a child anymore."

"I know," He said wearily. "But she'll always be a baby to me. Gosh, why can't she just remain a child forever?"

Laura laughed. "Now you're being selfish, Dexter."

He said nothing but just stared adoringly at her for seconds as a slow love song played which had couples going to the dancefloor.

"Laura,"He finally spoke."Let's dance."


"Babe come on, let's go somewhere private." Samantha whispered sultrily into his ear.

"Not tonight, Samantha." He replied drily, his eyes still covertly fixed on a particular couple on the dancefloor.

"But baby I'm horny..."

"Samantha!" He growled huskily. "Respect yourself, we're in public."

"You're are the cause, sucre boy, you've turned me into a wanton woman." She said sensually. "Ever since you finally made love to me two nights ago, you've made me want you all the time. So this is what I've been missing all these while?"
Her fingers slid down the area between his legs.

Greg swallowed as the guilt set in again.
He had only made love to Samantha because the thought of a particular woman's lips and body had lit a fire in him that had threatened to consume him if he didn't release it out and Samantha had just happened to be around.

Hell! He was even ashamed to admit it but all through the while he was making love to Sam, he had imagined it was Laura West who was screaming his name in pleasure beneath his body and that had really pumped his blood and fired up his passion to giving the woman who was really beneath him, utmost satisfaction.

He cleared his throat and stopped Samantha's hand from going any further.

"Stop." He said firmly and meant it.

Samantha pouted. "Alright. But I won't let you sleep when we get home tonight."

He returned his eyes to the couple once more, wondering why his eyes couldn't just look for somewhere else to stare.

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