Chapter 13

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Laura didn't want the night to end.
She was having a great time with Greg who was very good company and was, surprisingly funny. She had been laughing her heart out as their dinner progressed and she had wished she didn't have a family to go back to, that she lived alone, so that she could go back home whenever she liked.

After they finished their meal, they went out to the large balcony with their drinks and stood, taking in the wonderful view of the city in comfortable silence.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She asked softly, gazing down at the vibrant lights coming from various beautiful buildings in the city, as well as the cars on the road that looked like moving light bulbs and the street lights adding more to the view.

"Yes, beautiful." He murmured and she turned to him. He was looking at her and then it was obvious that he wasn't referring to the city's view as beautiful.

Blushing, she looked away and cleared her throat.

"You know," he continued and she looked up at him. "I've always heard that Chief West had another daughter apart from the other two that the media is very familiar with. She was termed The Reclusive Daughter. You never attended social functions with your family, even the times your father was around.
The Media knew there was another girl who was different in looks in the West household but they weren't even sure if you, really were West's daughter or just a relative or even his ward since you were never present with your family on social gatherings."

Laura smiled.
"I... I preferred staying at home than attending parties."

Well, that was a lie. Her stepmother never allowed her to attend those gatherings with them.

"And that's why the paparazzi were having quite a field day at your father's party over you."

She noticed many shots of her was taken but she didn't know they were to be used for some kind of news or something.

"Yeah. Some of the next day's gossip blogs were filled with tabloids about West's Mystery Daughter."
He said. Laura remembered when Lizzy had shown her something like that.
"Even I myself didn't believe you existed until the night I saw you and your father introduced us."

"That will change."
She said softly.

"I know. From tonight even."
He replied with a knowing look.

"How do you mean?"
She asked innocently.

"Oh my angel." He smiled lovingly. "What do you think the paparazzi would do if they saw us together right now? You think they'll just walk away? No. Us being together right now will be a catchy news for tomorrow's papers."

"And then they'll start following one around, trying to get some information."

"Exactly. They can make one's life a living hell. But don't worry I got our dinner date under control. They won't bother you."

She smiled at him. "Thank you."

He was about to say something when her phone rang.

"Excuse me please."

"Of course."

She took few steps away from him and glanced at the caller and saw that it was Celina. Why was she calling her now. It was just nine pm.


"Where are you?"
Celina's usual cold voice came on the phone.

"I'm still at the dinner."
She replied.

"At this time?"

Laura glanced at her watch.
"But it's just past nine."

"Shut up your filthy mouth!" Celina snapped. "This is past nine and you are still out."

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