Chapter 20

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Laura had felt various types of pain in her twenty three years of life but this was the ultimate.

Greg's rejection had left her utterly broken, especially as she knew she hadn't done anything wrong to him. He didn't even want to listen to her side of the story. He couldn't wait to push her away.

She thought about the lady she had seen at his house the other night and sighed through her tears.
Why would Greg want her when he had such a stunningly beautiful and sexy woman as that girl? She was no match for her in beauty, experience, exposure and sophistication.

He had hurt her big time.

Her eyes narrowed in anger when the sources of her current predicament came into her mind.
The heartless people she called her stepmother and sisters.

"They will pay for this," she said tearfully. "They will pay."

Her phone rang and she quickly rushed to it then sighed when the caller was not whom she wished it was.

She smiled nevertheless. She could never ignore her Lizzy's call.

"Hey girl."

"Lau!" Lizzy exclaimed breathlessly. "I am so done with life right now. How the heck did that bastard get my number?"

Laura blinked. "Who?"

"The idiot that calls himself Ronald!"

Laura smiled, forgetting her sorrows.
"Are you serious? He has your number?"

"Of course!" She squealed in annoyance. "That man disturbed my sleep early this morning with a phone call and again this afternoon. We just finished insulting each other few minutes ago."

Laura laughed. "Oh Lizzy, I didn't give him your number I swear."

"Then how did the buffoon get it?"

Laura shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe he got it in the same way Greg got mine."

"Maybe." There was a slight pause. "Speaking of that buffoon number 2 called Greg, what's up with you guys now?"

Laura sighed deeply. "It's... It's not something we can discuss over on phone right now."

"Oh, but you can come to the house or I can come over..."

"I'll come over." Laura cut in.

"Alright then, I'll save a pack of Dexter's ice cream for you." Lizzy said child likely and Laura laughed in the same manner.

"Please do."

When Laura was coming down downstairs, she ran into Samantha who was coming up.

"Can't you watch where you're going, bitch?"
Samantha bit out.

"I don't have time for this Samantha, move out of my way." Laura said coolly.

Samantha scoffed. "Make me. See who is talking."

"Samantha I am not joking with you right now." Laura said, unsmiling. "Get - out - of - my - way. Now!"
She yelled the last word and she could swear that Samantha had flinched.

"How dare you talk to me like that?" Samantha asked angrily but Laura ignored her and tried to walk past her but Samantha grabbed her arm and gave her a resounding slap on her cheek.
"You don't walk away when I'm talking to you, bitch."

Not thinking twice and out of anger over what Samantha and her mother had done to her, she retaliated by landing a harder slap on Samantha's cheek, one which she was sure would leave finger prints on her face and Samantha cried out in both shock and pain.

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