Chapter 16

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"Greg are you there?"

Greg cursed under his breath as he recognized Sophia's voice. He had told the girl that he wanted to be alone, so why the hell was she looking for him now?

"I...I have to go." The beautiful woman in his arms said nervously and started to get up but he held her back down.

"You are fond of saying that, Carrot."
He drawled.

"But I really have to." Laura said breathlessly as she adjusted her clothing. "Whoever she is, I don't want her to see us like this."
But he wouldn't budge. "Please Greg, please."

Greg looked at her beautiful face. She was right though.

He wouldn't want Sophia to start plotting against her like she had with some other women that had gotten with him in the past and that was bound to happen again if Sophia saw them together.

He released her reluctantly and groaned as her soft body and heady scent left him.

After one last look at him, with eyes still filled with desire, she turned to go but he stopped her.


She turned to him.

"Don't you dare regret what just happened."
He said softly and she blushed.

"I won't."

Laura almost bumped into the woman as she rounded a corner. It was the same young woman he was dancing with earlier on.
She was more beautiful up close and sexually appealing which made her wonder what Greg saw in her, herself.

Sophia looked down suspiciously at the younger girl. She was very beautiful and had lovely skin and a great body. She had never seen her before but she wondered briefly what she was doing here, where Greg had said he would be.

The woman had paused in front of her and Laura wondered if the woman had noticed something out of place with her appearance, the way she was looking at her.

"Uhm, sorry but you're standing in my way."
She said, trying not to let her voice sound shaky.

"Oh." Sophia said simply and shifted a little to give her space and Laura almost ran out of the intimidating woman's presence.

Laura breathed a sigh of relief as she went back into the hall.
It felt so good to be back. The garden was getting too hot for her and the cool night air didn't help.

"Lau!" She turned as she heard Lizzy's voice behind her. "Where the hell have you being?"

"Nowhere, I've been around."
She replied, trying to catch her breath.

"My brother has been looking for you!"

Laura frowned.
She asked in annoyance. She wasn't a baby.

"Why?" Lizzy's eyes widened. "You are his date for tonight you little bitch, so naturally, you're his responsibility tonight."

Laura rolled her eyes. "Alright, alright, I get it."

"Good," Lizzy replied sounding like a mother and looked like one at that moment as she stood hands akimbo. "Let's go, Dexter's bringing the car round."

"Uh, where? Home? The three of us?"

Lizzy smirked. "Sorry candy, I would have given you and my brother the privacy you need but my date left an hour ago. Something about his father been rushed to the hospital so I'm gonna go with you guys, if you don't mind."

"Of course not! Why would you even say that? Besides, I didn't mean that. I only wondered why we are leaving now." Laura asked, already looking for an excuse to stay longer.

Lizzy shrugged. "What else are we doing here? The main part of the occasion is finished and soon everyone will be heading to the club."

"Oh, okay."


Samantha paced around the living room, fuming.
She felt like breaking something and Laura's neck would be the perfect object.

"You're sure you saw them?" Celina asked.

"Yes mum, I did." She grounded. "I saw them with my two eyes."

Celina scowled. "That bitch. She's just like her mother."

"Oh how I hate her!" Samantha screamed. "That whore had the guts to try to take my man away from me."

"She's a dirty hypocrite." Celina gritted.

"I hate her, mum!"

Celina smiled evilly. "Calm yourself, my dear. She doesn't know who she is dealing with."

"She will pay for this." Samantha snarled.

"And she'll start paying from now onwards until we're satisfied." Celina said calmly.

"But what do we do, mum?"
Samantha asked.

"You said you took a picture of them?"
Celina asked with a dry smile.

"Y-yeah." Samantha nodded. "I wanted to show you, so you'll see for yourself." She grimaced. "They didn't even notice because they were so engrossed in each others' lips."

Celina's smile broadened.
"We are going go make use of that photo."


Laura smiled in delight as she recalled the text she got from Greg few hours ago asking to see her after breakfast in his penthouse. She was going to his apartment for the first time!

He had called her the previous night at a late hour and they had talked until the early hours of the morning.
He was so sweet and romantic and Laura knew that it wouldn't be long before she fell in love with him, that's if she wasn't in love already.

After dressing up in dark jeans and red blouse with dark heels, and applying light makeup, she was set to go, then she called to tell him that she was ready.

But when she did, the tone of his voice diminished her excitement and it was completely wiped away when he told her they would no more be meeting in his house but at a different apartment.

"But why, what happened?" She asked.

"Just a change of plans. I'll see you at the new venue."
He said and hung up.

She stared at the phone and wondered what was wrong with him. Wasn't he the same person she spoke with some hours ago? Why did he sound the way he did now? And why did he change the venue for their meeting?
She knew no answer to the questions in her head and decided to save them for when she sees him.

Walking down the stairs, she almost collided with Samantha who glared at her so intensely that she almost flinched. Without a word, the other girl passed her by and Laura released a breath she didn't know she was holding. She wondered why she had shivered in fright when she was used to having Samantha glare at her.

"Where are you going?"
Celina's voice stopped her as she came down the last stair.

"Out." She replied simply.

"The place doesn't have a name?" Celina asked coldly.

"Going to see uh...a friend. Please excuse me, I'll be back soon."
Laura slid past the woman and left the house.

When she got to the venue, a luxurious restaurant, she was led to a private lounge where he was waiting for her. 

He was sitting alone on a posh couch, with a glass of wine in his hand and he looked tired.
On the small table in front of him was a stack of newspapers that her eyes didn't dwell on.

When he raised his eyes to meet hers, she didn't see that look of admiration and desire she usually saw in his eyes. Those eyes staring back at her at the moment, were cold, hard and frightening as they landed on hers and she shivered.

"Why? Why did you do it?"
He asked in an icy voice and she frowned.

I know it's shorter than usual. Forgive me. 🙏🙏🙏

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