Chapter 30

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She contemplated turning and slipping off quietly before either of the men could see her. She wasn't quite ready to face Greg.

Noiselessly, she turned and started to make her way towards the exit but her boss's, or rather, ex boss's voice stopped her.

"Ah, Laura, there you are."

She slowly turned and forced a smile. The two other men had already turned to look at her. His dark eyes pierced through her.

She gulped but maintained her smile. "Mr Jones..."

"Come on, come say hello to your new boss." Mr Jones urged and she moved forward, aware of his eyes following every step she took.

She glanced at him once and her breath seized. He had changed. But looked much more handsome than before. He had added a slight touch of white hair dye on the right side of his head giving him a smarter, mature and more gorgeous look. And he looked bigger but still lean.

The father of her child was indeed drop dead gorgeous.

She smiled at her boss as she finally got to them. Her boss was a soft featured man in his early forties. Jovial and easygoing.

"Sir, allow me to introduce the hardworking Laura West, she's our sales manager." He said with a smile. "Laura, meet the Gregory Williams, chairman and CEO of Wills industries."

"How do you do sir." She said with a smile that came out as forced as she held his gaze and stretched out her hand.

He shook her hand warmly, his gaze unwavering.
"How do you do." His husky voice slid into her ears.

Feeling his hand against hers sent that exciting wave of electricity through her as it always did every time he touched her.

She took a deep breath unobtrusively as he sharply released her hand then risked a glance at him.
He had a slight frown on his face as he gazed at her. A frown. That frown meant something that almost made her grin triumphantly.

He had felt it too!

She snapped back to reality as she was introduced to the other handsome younger man. She didn't pay him much heed until he winked at her and his name mentioned.

"...Levi Williams."

Her eyes widened in surprise. Levi Williams. Greg's younger brother! The one who was based in the US with their parents.
The one she had spoke with, twice on phone during her short relationship with Greg.

As she really looked at him, she noticed the strong resemblance between him and his elder brother.

And then she felt like crying over who she had lost. Greg was so close to her now yet still far from her reach. She couldn't even explain to his brother that she was the one he spoke with twice on phone.

She breathed a sigh of relief when the introductions were over, then excused herself and walked back to her office.

She flopped on her swivel chair and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths. It was over. Meeting and being introduced to him was over. But she knew that this was just the beginning. He was the owner of the company now and they would be seeing more of each other henceforth.

More of each other.

Laura was preparing to go for lunch and was trying to sort the files on her table with her back to the door when she heard a knock on said door.

"Come in." She said absently with thoughts that it was Edna who said she was coming to her office so they could go for lunch together.

She heard the door open and close lightly.

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