Chapter 25

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"What nonsense are you talking about?"
Lizzy asked snappishly while Laura just gaped at her, too shocked to say anything.

"I said I am pregnant for Greg." Samantha replied with a smirk. "What is there not to understand?"

"You are a big liar," Lizzy gritted. "And a very funny one at that."

"But I don't see you laughing." Samantha mocked and turned to Laura who was too shocked to react. "Even if this friend of yours doesn't believe me, I had believed that you, Laura would, since you had literally seen us together that fateful day. We were discussing about the good news when you came in and spoilt the mood with your killjoy presence."


"I do not believe her." Lizzy said.

"I do." Laura whispered.

"Let's not jump into conclusions yet, Lau." Lizzy reasoned. "We need to hear from Greg."

"But you saw everything, the test result, the photos, what other proof do you need, Lizzy? He's probably marrying her because she's really pregnant for him. Oh Lizzy I'm finished."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am!" Laura wailed. "How can my sister and I be pregnant for the same man? It's a disaster."

"Laura calm down." Lizzy comforted. "We will find a way out of this."

"Why is my life so messed up?" Laura whispered. "I think I'm receiving the consequences for having an affair with my stepsister's boyfriend. I'm such a bad person, I'm supposed to be happy for them."

"Laura calm down." Lizzy soothed, patting her back. "I know how you're feeling right now and what you're going through but no matter what happens in this situation, do not address yourself as a bad person because you're not."

The sound of her phone ringing interrupted them and Laura quickly glanced at the caller.

"Oh no, not you."

"Greg?" Lizzy asked.


Lizzy sighed. "Are you going to answer it?"

Laura shook her head.

"But you have to." Lizzy insisted.

"No I won't." Laura decided firmly. "And please don't try to persuade me because I won't give in."

Lizzy nodded. "As you wish."

The phone beeped and she glanced at it and saw that it was a message from him.
She opened it immediately and went through it.

I know what your sister said to you and I know what you might think of me now. But please angel, give me a chance to explain everything to you. Just a chance, then you can make your decision. I need to see you. Please.

She tapped off the message and sighed.

"He wants to see me."
She whispered, tears forming in her eyes.

"Then see him." Lizzy said but Laura shook her head negatively.

"I can't," She said. "And I won't."

The next day was just as Laura imagined it would be. Depressing.

She kept thinking about Greg's message and kept asking herself whether it was right to have been ignoring Greg all these while.

He said he wanted to see her and explain things to her. Perhaps she should just give him the chance, because she really needed to understand everything that had been going on and why they had happened.

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