Chapter 36

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Greg didn't know how Laura West managed to convince him to wait in her house before his mechanic comes to fix his car.

He couldn't even find any issue with the car and it had been a long time since that particular car had had any issue.

He had called the vehicle tech but the bastard had told him that he was out of town at the meantime but would be with him in the next one hour thirty minutes.

One hour thirty minutes! Alone with this woman in a house!

He considered getting a taxi and sending someone to come get his car tomorrow but why the hell wasn't he getting that taxi?

A slender hand with a glass of water appeared in his vision and he blinked remembering that he had asked for the water.

"Thanks." He said as he collected the glass from her, making sure to avoid any contact with her. He didn't want to take any risk.

"You're welcome Mr Williams." She replied slowly and sensually.

God help him tonight.


Laura couldn't help the wide grin on her face as she went into the kitchen to get her bananas.

He was here with her! He was truly here with her!
She felt like doing a happy dance.

After calling her neighbor to see how Cameron was doing, she made another call.

"Hello T, nice one. You did a good job on that car. Thanks again, will call you tomorrow, goodnight."

She hung up with a smile and made another call.
"Hi Samson, nice one. Yea. Thank you. And don't you dare come here tonight unless I text that you should."


He couldn't help but stare at the way she absently licked around that banana with her tongue before slowly biting on it.
Her eyes were on the important documentary showing on the TV but watching her caress that innocent fruit with her tongue and those full lips was more important and did things to his southern region.
He imagined those lips wrapped around his...

He shook his head and snapped his eyes back to the TV.

He must be going mad. Or turning into a bloody pervert!
The water didn't help his dry throat at all. He needed a strong drink.

Looking around, he caught sight of a very small bar containing both alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks and stood up without thinking.
He walked over to the bar and took out a strong drink.

"I hope you don't mind?" He asked, pouring the liquor into a glass.

"Not at all." She got up. "Please excuse me, I need to get out of this dress. It can be quite uncomfortable."

Laura walked into her bedroom and sighed heavily, her back against the door.
She was manipulating the whole situation. Wasn't she turning out to be Samantha?
These things she was doing, were they any different from the things Samantha and her mother had done in the past?

She shook her head. No, she was doing the right thing. She might be going about it with some tricks here and there but all's fair in love and war.

Making up her mind, she walked to her closet and brought out the shirt. She held it in her hands and buried her nose in it.
Though it has been months but it was as if his scent was still encrusted in the shirt.

She was happy she had taken the shirt from his house when they were still together. And she had been waiting for the right time to wear it.

This was the right time.

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