Chapter 14

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This chapter is dedicated to Calculus100

"It's Greg, Lizzy."
Laura stared at her phone like it had suddenly grown a face.

"Then what are you waiting for? Pick it up!" Lizzy squealed.




"Are you crazy?"

"Yes! I mean no! I - Oh God, Lizzy stop it!"

Laura buried her face in her hands in

"But why Lau?" Lizzy asked softly, this time. "Why don't you want to talk to him?"

"I can't." She replied. "I don't even know what to say to him. I..."

"It's not as hard as you think, Lau."
Lizzy reasoned. "Just take a deep breath and talk to the guy."

"I can't see him again, Lizzy." Laura whispered. "I can't. It's bad enough that we went that far last night. For God's sake if Sam ever found out..."

"You don't owe Samantha no explanation." Lizzy snapped. "You don't even know if they're really dating."

"But you know my step family, especially Samantha. Even if they aren't dating, the fact that she likes and wants him is enough reason for her to do something rash and stupid."

Lizzy sighed. "I understand that you are trying to be considerate here, but you also have to think of yourself sometimes. Think of your own happiness and forget others for a moment."

"And that is why I want to find that happiness in an area that doesn't concern Celina and her daughters."
Laura said firmly.
"And Greg? Harbouring or showing any feelings towards him would only bring me trouble and not only from Samantha."

"You're right there though." Lizzy said thoughtfully. "But when it's a love worth fighting for, you do not give a damn about others."

"And I am not in love with Greg."
She said with a dry laugh.

"That's why I said if it's a love worth fighting for."
Lizzy said softly.
"It's your decision to make, Lau. Just follow your heart."

Laura smiled. "Thanks bestie."

"You're welcome bestie." Lizzy smiled.


"What are you doing here?"
Celina asked as Laura entered the living room.

"Good morning." She greeted.

"I don't need it." She snapped. "I asked what you're doing here."

"Last time I checked, this is my father's house." Laura blurted out in a snappish voice surprising both Celina and herself.

Celina narrowed her eyes. "You slut! How dare you talk to me like that? I can see that the semen that was pumped into you last night is now giving you guts."

"Unfortunately, I slept at Lizzy's last night." Laura said sweetly. "I am not as slutty as you wish I am. I don't go about sleeping with men on my first date with them."

Celina's eyes narrowed into slits as she understood that Laura was referring to her daughters.
"You bitch! You daughter of a witch and a loser, you..."

"I will advise you to keep from insulting my late mum if you do not want an invisible hand to slap you."
Laura bit sharply and Celina froze for a moment before regaining her composure.

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