Chapter 29

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Samantha sighed as she looked at her mother who was regarding her thoughtfully.

"Mum, it only bothers me that Greg had set the wedding for November which is in six months! Six months mum!" She wailed. Celine frowned. "Anything could happen within six months."

"But why would he set the wedding to be held on that date?" Celine asked absently.

"He said it was to give us more time to know each other more." Samantha replied in frustration. "We've been getting to know each for the past eight months now mum and now this again. Mum I'm so scared."

"Calm down my dear," Celine comforted. "You'll just have to play along and agree to everything he says until you're both married."

"But for how long? This is wearing me down." Samantha sighed.

"I understand, but he is one big fish we can't afford to lose." She smiled at her daughter. "See the way he has been taking good care of you and even me and your sister, Mirabel.
And I'm also happy that that thing left the house. He would have been seeing her the times he came."

"That bitch." Samantha spat. "I can imagine how she and that bastard child of hers are faring. But I think they're both doing well because since she gave birth to him three months ago, we've not heard of any problems or hardship on their part."

"Yes I think so too." Celine said thoughtfully. "Sam."

"Yes mum?"

"Greg can never know."

Samantha looked at her in confusion. "Know what, mum?"

"He can never know that he is the father of her child."

Samantha's eyes widened in surprise.
"What? Greg is the father of Laura's child?"

Celine looked at her like she had suddenly gone mad. "Are you kidding me? You don't know?"


"Are you this dumb?" Celine stared at her with horror. "You're serious that you don't know?"

"I thought it was that useless friend of hers' brother, Dexter that might have gotten her pregnant." She exclaimed. "Why then has he been there for her ever since we learnt of her pregnancy till now?"

Celine shook her head. "You are not as smart as your mother, Samantha West."

"But mum how did you find out?" Samantha asked.

"It was very obvious, you foolish child!" She replied in annoyance. "It was clear that it was Greg that got her pregnant and that was why she was fighting for him! I only confirmed it when I, one day, heard her and her friend discussing about Greg being the father and what they were going to do about it."

"I-I didn't know." Samantha shook her head. "Oh God, this is much worse than I thought."

"Nothing bad is going to happen as long as we play our cards well." Celine said firmly.

"I'm so scared."

"Be brave, girl." The older woman snapped. "Everything will work out according to plan."

Samantha sat up sharply. "Mum, Greg and I have never had sex."

Celine froze and stared at her daughter with shocked eyes. "What?"

Samantha nodded solemnly. "Since he left the hospital months ago, Greg has never penetrated me."

"How is that possible?"

Samantha shrugged. "We've only kissed and done all the foreplay there is but Greg has never penetrated me."

"But why?" Celine exclaimed in shock.

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