Chapter 22

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Laura gasped in shock and grabbed her robe from the chair, wrapping it around her. But she knew it was already too late because Greg had seen her naked body.

Greg who had been lost in the sight of the most naturally gorgeous body he had ever seen quickly composed himself.

He cleared his throat. "Sorry about that, I thought you were still in the bath. I knocked and there was no response."

"It's alright." She said shyly.

He nodded, rather absently. "The food has been brought in."

"Okay, I'll be out in a few minutes." She said.

After he left, Laura turned to look for her clothes, then sighted a white shirt that was obviously Greg's, spread neatly on the chaise lounge.
She picked it up and brought it to her nose, deeply inhaling the heady scent of him and running her hand through the smooth material.

On instinct, she took off the robe and put on the shirt, blushing on the exposure of her thighs and legs. She paused midway while buttoning up the shirt, wondering what she was doing.

Did she want to seduce Greg? She shook her head. So why else was she...

"Carrot?" He called from the sitting room and she had no choice but to button up the last few buttons and put on her pantie.


Greg's treasured manly part instantly stood erect when Laura walked in, in his shirt.

The shirt had never looked as good as it did now on her. It molded her curvy body perfectly and the white of it gave her a virginal look.

He let his gaze run through her beautiful figure starting from the long beautifully toned legs, up to her luscious thighs. He broke into a sudden internal heat as he took in the outline of her white pantie through the slightly transparent shirt and nearly lost it when he discovered that she was braless, her nipples poking through the material of his shirt as if they were begging to be sucked.

He had never been jealous of a simple shirt before.

"What do we have here?" She smiled at him, sitting down across from him with her legs together and he groaned inwardly.

"I hope they're to your liking." He said, holding her gaze.

She smiled at him when she uncovered the large sumptuous dish he had ordered.

"You are truly a man after my heart."

Greg watched in fascination as she enjoyed her meal in peace. He found himself harbouring dirty thoughts as he couldn't get the image of her gorgeous nudity off his mind.

He had taken in her full appearance, even before she had covered her beautiful body with the robe. He had never seen a much more beautiful sight in his entire life.

The picture of her slender neck that merged with her toned creamy shoulders, down to her pair of fairly sized natural and lush breasts planted firmly on her chest, narrowing down to her flat stomach and slim waist which flared out to well rounded hips and slender thighs did things to him that no woman had ever evoked in him before.

She was perfection.

"You're staring." She said and he snapped out of his thoughts.
"And you've not been eating. Is the food not to your liking?"

He smirked. "It is, but I would have preferred a far better food at this moment."

Laura noticed his gaze rake over her face and dropped to her lips and her chest, then she realized there was a deeper meaning to his just uttered words.

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