Part 40

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Trigger warning: Sexual assault.

My mind slowly woke up and I opened my eyes to be met by a small, unknown cave. Panic seeped in my chest as I looked around only to see Allan sprawled like a starfish next to me, furs barely covering his form. A stressed sigh escaped my lips as I remembered that Tlaloc ordered me to go to Ogden's place. It was no surprise that Allan lived with the brute since they were training and I'm sure Allan was having best days ever drooling over Ogden. The man was definitely an eye candy.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but my body refused. With a quiet groan I kicked me covering furs away and stood up. Maybe a little bit of fresh air will help.

Leaving the cave without any loud noise, I was greeted my full moon. Crickets were a marching band in grass around me and torchbugs lazily hung out in the air. Moon's reflection died lake's water; everything looked magical. A small smile graced my lips as I began walking around, enthralled by the beauty. For the first time I looked into the forest, the mass guarding this place. Walking deeper and deeper into their green and quiet embrace, feeling fresh air in your lungs; my head began spinning. For a moment I forgot all about Tlaloc's attack, Anna and the village. It was only me and the forest. Smile never left my lips as I traced my fingers over  leaves and bark.

'It's not safe to enjoy a walk through the forest at night' a voice spoke from behind me, startling me from the magical trance. I quickly turned around to see a young man standing a bit away from me, leaning against the tree and looking at me.

'Oh.. I live not far away from here' I spoke, keeping an eye on him. I tried to be as convincing as possible, because I had no idea where I was. The man didn't move from the spot.

'You are part of the Fire Tribe?' He asked, his eyes showing some emotion that I couldn't decipher.

My brains worked fast. Fire tribe? Is that the name the villagers go by because of the volcano next door? My mind continued working and it brought back my childhood.

'And then the fire nation attacked...'

I had to bite down my lower lip and turn a little bit away in order to not laugh. It can't be that Tlaloc named the village the Fire Tribe.

'Is there a problem with that?' I finally answered, not answering his question whatsoever.

'You just don't seem....fierce...' he trailed off as he moved from the tree towards me.

'Fierce?' I asked confused as he reached me. He rose his hand and took a strand of my hair. Instantly my guts twisted and told me to run, but I didn't know where to run. I had no idea where the village was from here.

'So easy to.... tame' he spoke, his voice dropping into an arrogant as a sly smile pulled his lips. My heart began hammering in my chest as fear gripped me.

'W-what are you talking about?' I asked and tried to move away from him, but the man took a hold of my hair and painfully pulled me towards him. Pain exploded in my scalp as I screamed, tears threatening to fall.

'You all think that you are so high and mighty, but you aren't. It will be fun to see one of you on your knees' he laughed and pushed me down next to him. My face painfully landed on the rough ground as tears broke out. I felt him grab my hair from behind and pull towards him. Another painful scream escaped my lungs as my back hit his chest, my knees shaking from painful fall and fear. Painfully pulling my head back, his other hand slowly roamed up my stomach to my breast.

'P-please, stop' I whimpered as he squeezed my breast and leaned into my neck, his tongue running across my sensitive skin where Tlaloc bit me, causing me to shiver in disgust.

'Beg more, I love the sound of it' he chuckled and pulled my hair even more, my head painfully leaning back.

Then, out of the blue, the man pushed me forward and I slammed down to the rough ground again. I moved my head towards the man only to see him running away and disappearing into the bushes. Not a breath after I heard heavy thuds coming towards me. Only a few seconds later it reached me. I watched horrified as a beast jumped out of the bushes, his eyes looking around the area, sniffing the air. It wasn't a wolf, but it was a wolf at the same time. The beast's massive body was covered in black fur, his lips pulled into a snarl as razor sharp canines pressed against lower lip. My eyes traveled to beast's hand and instead of paws I saw 5 distinctive fingers with long claws. The thing was standing on his hind legs like a human, its puffy and long tail reaching the ground, yet nothing more than the body shape resembled human. Muscles moved under the fur as he lowered himself down on all four and began moving towards me.

Its movement brought me back from shock to reality as I noticed its attention on me. I was already on my butt and slowly moved away from the beast as it was sniffing the air, growls leaving its throat. It either didn't like me moving or what it smelled, because a loud growl resonated throughout the forest and it jumped on me. With a horrified scream I was painfully slammed on the ground, its claws digging into my left shoulder and right thigh. It continued to growl, scanning the area as I laid underneath it, too terrified to move. It sniffed the air once again and then moved his head towards me as if it could smell a trail of something until his snout was pushed down to my neck, the exact spot where the man licked me. It growled into my ear, this time sounding angrier than before.

The next thing I know is the agonizing pain. I felt the beast canines dig into my right shoulder, his claws painfully digging into my body to keep me in place. I never knew I would experience so much pain and scream so loud, but I was doing it. I was screaming so loud that even my throat was in pain. Tears streaming down my cheeks, I wanted nothing more than to get the thing away from me.

What felt like hours in pain, the beast finally let my shoulder go, but didn't move away from me. His deep breath fanned my face as I was quietly sobbing, the pain barely subsiding. I could feel blood flowing down my shoulder and dripping onto the ground.

Suddenly, the beast whipped his head to the side, his ears perked up. A threatening growl left his throat as I followed to the spot where the beast was looking. To my surprise I saw Herbalist, Ogden and couple of men standing there, the latter with wide eyes. The Herbalist took a step closer, but stopped when the beast growled, its body lowering a little bit.

'You need to let her go' she spoke, her voice calm, but demanding. The beast snapped the air towards her, a clear threat as he dug his claw further into my flesh, earning a painful scream from me. The Herbalist didn't look at me as she held her eyes with the beast.

'You are hurting her, Alpha' she spoke and my breath stuck in my throat.


I watched as the beast flinched and looked at me like he was just woken up from the trance. His face and body began unnaturally moving, deforming, but my body couldn't hold the pain and stress anymore as I felt my consciousness slipping away.

The last thing I remember were blue eyes in deforming beast's face.

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