Chapter 2- Zora

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At long last the final bell rang. I gathered my things and nearly ran to the door. I couldn't wait until this afternoon. As I walked out of the classroom Allison caught up to me.

"Hey do you want to come hang out today?" she asked.

"I would love to but I have archery after school and I'm going shopping with my grandmother after that." I answered.

"Oh that's all right. I know how much you love those shopping trips, although I don't know why." Said Allison.

My grandmother, Clarabelle, has this thing about antique shopping. I think she's searching for some family heirloom or something. Once a week her and I go shopping all around New York City. I love every minute of it. I mean you'd be amazed at the cool things you can find.

After I left Allison I headed of to archery practice. Archery is another one of my favorite pass times. In fact I'm one of the best archers on my team.

At the end of practice my grandmother came to pick me up. "Are you ready for shopping?" she asked me.

I smiled at her and replied,"Of course I am. Let's go!"

We tried a few different stores until we finally stumbled upon one that actually looked promising. It was called Marge's Mystical Charms, which was a complete lie of course. My grandmother and I walked in and we were assaulted with the strong smell of about a dozen different candles burning.

As we strolled around I saw a necklace that caught my eye. It had a simple silver chain with a small angel charm on it. I got my grandmother's attention and showed her the necklace. her eyes immediately widened in surprise.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, worried by her reaction.

She hesitated before answering, but eventually said," This necklace is an old family heirloom. It belonged to your great grandfather." Then she turned to the woman at the counter. "I would like to buy that necklace, please" she said.

The woman walked around to the place where we stood and asked, "Are you sure you know what you are getting yourself into with that? That necklace contains great power and can be very dangerous in the wrong hands."

I was about to laugh in that woman's face but my grandmother grew very serious and said, " I am well aware of that this necklace was made for my father."

The woman behind the counter seemed shocked at this and was quick to sell the necklace to us. While my grandmother payed I was wondering about the conversation her and the woman had had. What in the world were they talking about? It was just a necklace right? But I knew better than to question my grandmother.

Once we had left the store my grandmother turned to me and handed me the necklace. She told me that it belonged to me and that I should put it on. I did what I was told of course and as soon as the necklace was around my neck I saw something really strange.

At first it looked like some kids arguing about something, but when I looked closer I realized that two of the kids were wearing armor and had swords in their hands. These two were facing a boy who was wearing an orange shirt and was holding what looked like two knives.

I stopped to stare at the strange kids and my grandmother looked around to see what I was looking at. When she finally saw it I felt her stiffen and grab my arm. "We have to go!" she said and when I didn't move she added "Now Zora!"

I looked at her in confusion and then looked back at the strange kids. One of the kids in armor was being surrounded by a black haze and the kid in the orange t-shirt backed away in fear. Then out of nowhere twin huge black dogs with glowing red eyes appeared. one of the dogs attacked the orange t-shirt kid and the other turned towards my grandmother and I. It started to run towards us and would have probably killed us if that boy hasn't have come out of nowhere and stabbed it. Right before my eyes the giant dog dissolved into dust and then the boy turned to us.

He looked at me and my grandmother curiously before saying, "My name is Christian and I just saved your lives. You're welcome."

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