Chapter 37- Christian

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I'll admit it. I was terrified of meeting the guy who's behind this entire mess. I even more terrified of the fact that Zora and the others would be here soon, if Rachel was correct.

The cavern they took us to was, well cavernous. It was huge and poorly lit and filled with demigods standing around. Great we have an audience. I was taken back by the number of people in that room. In the center there was a huge throne that was similar to Zeus' on Mount Olympus except for the fact that it was human sized and it didn't have the symbol of Zeus on it. Instead it had an animal pelt laying over it.

As we got closer the crowd parted to let us through. Some kids sneered and others wouldn't look at us. There were a few younger ones that looked at us terrified. They had probably been threatened and bullied into behaving. I did catch a few faces that were asking for me to do something. Asking for me to fight. They were the ones that hate their lives here but don't know how get out alive. All I could do was look away. I was in no shape for fighting, and I needed to save what little fight I had for escaping.

We finally reached the throne and the guards threw us into our knees. I looked over at Rachel who had Wesley right by her side. She looked at me, not with fear, but with a crazy sort of determination. I knew we would go down fighting. Finally I looked up at the man on the throne and was taken completely by surprise, although the animal pelt should have been a clue. He was an extremely handsome, extremely muscular man that also happened to be one of the most famous demigods of all time before he became a god. "Heracles," was all I could say.

He flashed me a smile that made my skin crawl. Who knew a guy so good looking could have such a terrible smile. "Great so you know me. Your friends should be arriving soon and then we can get started. Bring me the brother." One of the guards grabbed Wesley's arm and started to pull him away but Zora refused to let go. The guard simply kicked her off and took Wesley up to Heracles.

"Wh-what are you going to do to him?" Rachel asked.

"Well for now he's going to stay right here. Then when your friends get here I have a little surprise up my sleeve for Zora." Heracles replied carelessly. If he keeps talking he might reveal his entire plan.

"Oh really. I mean I thought you were all big and mighty and you need a little boy as a bargaining chip? I heard you were the greatest demigod of all time." Rachel shot me a warning look, but I accomplished what I hoped to.

I watched as Heracles tried to reign in his anger. He clearly didn't want to kill us soon. "I am the greatest. My plan is perfect. First Zora shows up and is captured and then she's forced to obey or her brother dies. Then we kill everyone once we get her cooperation. It's really simple really."

"Oh, how do you-" Just then a giant winged thing swooped down and picked up Wesley. It landed and I realized it wasn't a monster, it was Dominic. When did he get wings? Wesley was sat down safely out of harms way and Dominic stood in front of him. With his black sword and his wings spread out behind him he looked like some kind of dark guardian angel.

Then an arrow zipped over my head and embedded itself in the throne right next to Heracles' head. Yeah celestial bronze can do some damage. I turned around and almost didn't recognize the two girls standing behind me. There was Zora radiating a sort of energy that I can't even begin to describe and surrounded by a faint golden glow that made her look like the light to Dominic's darkness. Standing right next to her was Rania, she had changed to but hers was more subtle. She looked fierce and terrifying like she always does in battle, but she looked calmer than usual. Like she had accepted something and was more in control of herself than she had ever been.

Neither of them glanced at me as Zora spoke up, "So I heard you wanted me?"

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