Chapter 9- Christian

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I was taking a late night stroll through the camp when Zora ran out of her cabin and straight into me. I lost my balance but she caught my arm and kept me from falling over.

"Where's the fire?" I asked only half joking. Knowing the campers around here there really could be a fire somewhere. When she didn't answer I asked,"Seriously, what bothering you?

"Nothing I just needed some fresh air," She said. It sounded like she had been crying and she refused to meet my eyes. I knew exactly what had happened.

"You dreamt about your family didn't you? That happens to me sometimes." I told her hoping it would get her to talk to me. For some reason I couldn't stand seeing her upset.

She raised her head and I knew I was right. her eyes were red from crying, but she was obviously trying to gather herself."I- yeah." Zora said tightly, "I had a dream about us all eating dinner together, but then I saw-" She choked up and couldn't finish, but she didn't need to because I had seen it to. "Wh-what happened to your family? If you don't mind me asking." She asked shyly. She had gone back to staring at the ground.

"I don't really remember. I was only 6 when my mother died, but I do remember certain moments I had with her. My dad is Hephaestus, so you know how that goes. he was never around much." I answered her.

"Oh, so you've lived here most of your life then?"She looked at me curiously.

"Yeah, this has been my home since my mother died." I almost stopped talking but curiosity got the better of me, "What about your dad ? I mean since you don't have a godly parent."

Her eyes got watery again, and I immediately wished I could take the question back. if I was trying to make her feel better I wasn't doing a very good job.

She finally responded obviously holding back tears, "He died when I was 10. My grandmother said it was a car accident, but now I'm not so sure. He was part demigod too, I guess. But now I'm all alone. My parents are dead and my little brother is missing and I can't do any thing about any of it."

"What about your grandmother she's still alive." I said trying to help. Zora needed to believe that there was still someone out there for her or she would start to become hopeless. I knew from personal experience.

"My grandmother sent me away. She just had me pack a bag and told me to leave. I understand why she did it, but I know that I not supposed to go back home. She was the only person who could even try to explain all of this to me." Zora said sadly.

Clearly she wasn't buying this so I tried something else, "What about the campers here? They still care about you or they will eventually." I said.

"Yeah I guess. What if I'm not good enough because I'm not a full demigod? What if they kick me out?" she asked. I could hear the panic in her voice. "Where will I go then?"

"That won't happen. I swear on the river Styx. Some campers might not except you right away and we have plenty of bullies around here, but I swear that I will help you." I wasn't exactly sure where all of this was coming from. I just knew that I felt a need to protect and help Zora as much as I could.

She gave me a sad smile and said, "Thanks, but I don't know if you can help me."

"Well I can try can't I?" I asked her. This comment was rewarded with a small smile. I got the feeling that she was in a better mood now, so I suggested that we both go back to bed before anyone caught us outside.

I walked her all the way back to her cabin and hesitated before returning to my own. I wasn't sure if she would have more nightmares and I definitely didn't want her upset again. Stop it, I scolded in my head, you've barely know her a day. She doesn't want you hanging around. I finally turned around and headed back to my own cabin.

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