Chapter 26- Rania

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We left Zora's apartment and went downstairs to the parking garage. Zora led us up to a blue jeep and unlocked the doors.

"Seriously," Dominic said, "a jeep?" I was kind of on the same page as him.

"Sorry I like jeeps. Anyways, it's a ride so everyone hop in." With that Zora popped open the door and climbed inside. I opted to sit in the back seat with Dominic. As hard as I was trying to forgive Zora and Christian, I couldn't seem to let go of that resentment. Him grabbing her hand in the apartment just made me seethe with jealousy.

"So I'm thinking we should drive in shifts and we can make the trip in two days excluding monster attacks." Zora said. Christian looked back at me and Dominic and then back at Zora.

"Umm, I pretty sure you are the only one who can drive legally or even knows how to drive," Christian said, "I've spent my entire life in camp and haven't needed to learn and Rania failed the test." Ugh why did he have to talk about it.

"Yeah and I've kind of been busy trying to help the bad guys and not piss them off. They don't exactly let you have excused absences to go and learn how to drive." Dominic supplied. I couldn't help but notice that even though his tone was joking, he had a look on his face that told me it wasn't completely a lie.

"All right then, that means the trip will take longer because I can't drive all the way to Arkansas without rest, so we will have to stop after a while." I could tell that Zora would try and make the whole trip without sleep if it was only her own life at risk.

Zora turned up the radio and Christian fell asleep almost immediately. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dominic move his arm and wince in pain.

"Does your arm still hurt? I thought Zora healed it?" I asked him.

"Well she did sort of. She helped a lot, but I'm not in as good a shape as I let her think." He admitted. I could tell he didn't like being seen as weak in anyway. I could understand that.

He stared at me with those midnight blue eyes and I felt a tingle run down my spine. I couldn't seem to get my mouth to form words. Something about him seriously threw me off.

Instead of trying to talk and sound like an idiot, I nodded and turned to look out the window. Pretty soon the lulling rhythm of the car made my eyes droop, and I fell asleep against the window.

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