Chapter 40- Christian

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I couldn't believe it as I watched Zora fall. I couldn't move to help her or protect her. All I could do was scream her name and watch Heracles stand triumphantly over her dying body.

I looked at Rania and saw the horror and rage I felt reflected on her face, but instead of fighting harder she laid down her weapon. She let the demigods surrounding us lead her up to Heracles. At first I was shocked, then I noticed her posture. I had seen her pull this trick before at camp. She would drop her weapons and act like she was defeated, but then she attacks. I let them drag me to the front too, not that I had much choice.

They lined us up with me at the front and Heracles began his speech, "Let these enemies be an example of what happens when you cross me. Let them show what happens to traitors." I think he said some more, but I had already zoned out.

I watched as one of Heracles' guards stepped up and lifted a sword. I felt the anger and grief building in me until it bubbled over the top giving me the strength to fight back. Just before the blade could reach me, I pulled out the two daggers I had hidden in the waist of my pants and rolled out of the path of the sword. Luckily they didn't think to check us for weapons or tie us up. The guard missed me and lost his balance giving Rania time to disarm him and hold his own sword at his throat.

I leaped to my feet and easily took down the next guard that came for me. Dominic flew up and sliced down the guards that came near Wesley, while Rachel protected him on the ground. Wesley was to busy kneeling over Zora's body crying to even notice the battle going on around him. Rania and I kept fighting but I was tiring quickly. We had to find a way out of here.

"Dominic we need an escape plan! NOW!" shouted Rania over the sounds of the battle. For right now it was just Heracles' guard that was attacking us, but I wasn't sure how long it would be until the thousand other demigods joined in.

"To your right, that tunnel leads out of here!" Dominic shouted back. Then he swooped down picked up Zora's body and went for the tunnel. I had to fight down a pang of jealousy as I watched him carry her. Rania grabbed Wesley and Rachel and I followed behind her fighting off anyone we could.

The guards behind us hesitated giving us enough time to race down the tunnel. I could hear Heracles bellowing angrily behind us. Dominic made it out of the tunnel first and he laid Zora down in the grass about ten feet from the exit. Then he came back in to make sure the rest of us got out. As Rania passed him he grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him. He gave her a desperate kiss and whispered something in her ear. Then he pushed her out of the cave.

I could hear the guards coming down the tunnel and kept waiting for Dominic to follow us out of the cave. I watched as Dominic slammed his sword into the ground. Black cracks splintered out from it and the cave entrance began to crumble. I thought I saw a beautiful man in a black cloak standing next to Dominic as he pulled his sword out of the ground and kept the guards from exiting that crumbling cave. All I could do was watch as the cave collapsed right on top of the son of Thanatos.

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