Chapter 32- Zora

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I couldn't believe I let them take Christian and then proceeded to sit and cry instead of making sure everyone else was alright. I mean what kind of quest leader lets herself fall apart, when her team needs her most?

After Rania passed out I climbed in the car and had Dominic give me directions to this so called safe place. I did the best that I could with Rania's wound while we were stopped, but really I only slowed down her death. The sword she got stabbed with was Stygian iron, which is even more deadly than celestial bronze.

Dominic sat in the back holding Rania and occasionally telling me to make a turn or stay on the same road. Pretty soon we reached the place Dominic told me about.

It didn't look like much. It was a small house probably 2 bed 2 bath and was in a run down neighborhood. He opened the car door and carried Rania up to the door, I followed him and rang the doorbell since his hands were a little full.

The woman who answered the door wasn't anything like I had expected. She had graying hair and wrinkles around the corners of her eyes and mouth, but you could see the beauty of her youth. She had dark brown eyes that were filled with sadness and they seemed to get even more heartbroken when she laid her eyes in Dominic.

She didn't ask any questions when she saw Rania, she just took Rania from Dominic and took her into the house. We followed the woman in, but she took Rania into one of the bedrooms and wouldn't let us any farther.

Dominic and I settled down in the couch in the living room and waited.

"So how do you know her?" I asked him. I liked Dominic, but sometimes I found it hard to talk to him. He always seemed like he tried to avoid people, unless in was Rania.

"She's... an old family friend. I guess you could call her a witch although she prefers sorceress." He answered. I could tell that he wasn't going to elaborate on his connection with the woman, so I pressed a different topic.

"What's her name?"

"It's Tara, but sometimes she doesn't want you to call her that. She can be complicated."


After that we sat in silence until Tara returned a few hours later. By now it was getting dark and I could feel the stress and fear of the day start to crash in on me.

"You are lucky you got her here when you did." said Tara, "Now she actually has a chance of surviving."

"What do you mean a chance?" I asked, "Didn't you heal her?"

Tara didn't answer instead she told us to get some sleep and brought us some blankets and pillows. I didn't think I could sleep with Christian kidnapped, my brother still in danger, and Rania possibly dying, but I guess my exhaustion overtook me or maybe it was some kind of sorcery. I slept better than I had since my mother died.

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