Chapter 25- Zora

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Allison walked into the kitchen, but she refused to look me in the eye. She sat down at the small table that I used to eat dinner at, and put her head in her hands.

"Allison the basics of all of this are that all of the Greek myths are true and I'm a demigod, sort of. Also all of my friends and my grandmother are too. We are on a quest to save my brother and the Oracle from some unknown enemy. There's a good possibility that we will all die in the process." I didn't sugar-coat it because she would know if I was.

I watched as her eyes filled with tears that she was trying to hold back, "You've been missing for weeks, Zora and then all of a sudden you show up with some weird kids and a completely crazy story that basically ends with you dying. If I hadn't seen those- those things attack I probably wouldn't even believe you." I opened my mouth to say something, but she cut me off "I'm coming with you. I don't want to have to worry about what you're doing all the time."

I didn't expect this from her. Don't get me wrong, I love Allison, but she has never been the kind of person to stand up for anyone. She has never wanted to be the hero.

"Allison you can't come with us," I told her, "Not because it's too dangerous or I think you can't handle your own, but because I need someone here to take care of my family. If I don't make it back, I need to know that my grandmother is in good hands. Please." I also didn't want her to come because I didn't want her to die, but she didn't need to know that.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "All right, I will stay, but please try to be careful. Also when you get back I get to meet all of your new friends in there."

I gave her a small smile and she looked at me with an expression on her face that I couldn't read. Maybe it was fear for me or I could have just been stress.

"I just want you to know that you are and always will be my best friend. Nothing in this insane new life that I have will ever change that." I told her. I was surprised that I didn't burst into tears. I guess I was already adjusting to all of this pain.

Now it was her turn to give me a smile. "I know. Now you should probably get going before any more monsters attack," she said.

I hugged her and then turned and went back into the living room, where everyone was waiting. My grandmother handed me the keys and gave me a looked filled with so much love and pain that I had to turn away. I knew what she was telling me. She was telling me that she wants me to be safe. That she can't stand losing any more of her family.

I had to turn away from her because I was afraid she would see the fear and doubt in my eyes. I didn't know if I could survive the journey, much less bring my brother home alive.

Then all of the sudden Christian grabbed my hand and warmth spread throughout my body. It was like he was giving me the strength to keep on moving. I looked up and smiled at my grandmother and Allison, and then turned to the door with my friends following behind me.

Maybe I wouldn't make it back, but I knew that I wasn't going down without a fight.

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