Chapter 20- Christian

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I didn't see Rania or Zora again, until we met up at the Big House an hour before dinner like planned.

Both girls were avoiding looking at each other and I couldn't help but wonder what went down in the woods after I left.

Chiron came out and instead of leading us to the Big House basement he led us towards the infirmary. I guess the person we were meeting was injured in the battle. Once we got there Chiron left us to go inside and then Rania took the lead I guess she knew where she was going.

Rania led us past multiple beds with kids on them. Some of them were campers and some weren't. There was a part of me that couldn't believe that the battle was only yesterday. It felt like ages had passed by since then.

We finally stopped I front of a bed with a kid who was probably around 16 or 17. He was just laying there on his back staring up at the ceiling. He had really pale skin and black hair that looked like it desperately needed a trim. His left shoulder was completely wrapped in bandages, where he must have had a pretty nasty cut for the ambrosia and nectar to not work right away.

Rania walked over to the side of his bed, squatted down, and said something in a low voice that I didn't hear. What ever she said made him sit up and look at Zora and I. His hair hung in his eyes, but I could tell that they were a deep dark blue. They reminded me of the sky at night right before it gets truly dark.

I will admit it, he was pretty good looking, but something about him gave me the creeps. Based on his looks I figured he must be a kid of Hades. His eyes grazed over me and then landed on Zora. A kind of strange smile crossed over his features. I was really starting to hate this kid.

"So you've come to me for help." he said. It wasn't a question. "My name is Dominic son of Thanatos. What can I do for you?"

Dammit, son of Thanatos, at least I was kind of close. That explained the creepy vibe I got off of him, kids of Thanatos were always a little messed up.

Zora started asking questions. "What can you tell us about what we are facing?" She asked.

"Honestly, not much." He told her the smile turning more into a scowl. "I know of the cave you are supposed to go to and I know where it is, but I was never allowed to go in there. If you tried and you weren't authorized they killed you on the spot. I've also never met the guy who runs the whole operation, just his right hand man. Neither have any of the other kids here. He knew we would all get captured, we were pawns, distraction, collateral damage for the good of his cause."

Just then Rania spoke up, "You refer to the leader of the operation with pronouns that refer to a male. Are you sure the person is not a girl?"

"Ah, a daughter of Athena. You didn't tell me that." Rania blushed and my eyes widened in surprise. Had she been in here before meeting with this creep. Dominic continued, "But yeah I'm sure that he's a dude. Also I'm fairly positive that he might be a god."

I was shocked but Rania just nodded, and Zora was still studying Dominic like she was trying to read his mind. I felt a wave of jealousy rise up in me and as much as I tried to push it down, I couldn't. "That's just great, but you haven't given us anything remotely useful! How do we know we can trust you anyway! You could be misleading us!"

I saw a look of anger cross Dominic's face and then pain. It wasn't just the pain of his shoulder either. Then his face hardened and he turned to Rania and said, "I won't say any more if he is going to be here."

Rania shot me a look that said leave now and maybe I won't kill you later, Zora's said the same thing except maybe with a please. Great I've managed to piss everyone off now. With that thought running through my head I turned and left.

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