Chapter 16- Zora

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I left dinner early and went back to my cabin to be alone before the campfire tonight. Unfortunately Christian followed me back to my cabin as well.

"Zora, going on this mission is suicide." He said behind me.

"Jeez! Do you always sneak up on people like that?" I exclaimed.

"Sorry I thought you knew I was behind you." He told me.

"Right, well I didn't" I snapped. Then I turned and walked out of the cabin. It was probably a little harsh, but I still couldn't believe he was trying to talk me out of this. Why did he care anyway?

"Zora just stop." he said when I didn't he grabbed my arm.

"Let go of me!" I yanked my arm out of his grasp. By now it was getting dark. We ended up in the shadows behind one if the cabins.

"Look I have to get to the campfire to accept this quest, so just tell me what you have to say." I said coldly. He was really starting to get on my nerves, but he looked kind of mysterious in the shadows. No, you're mad at him.

"Zora please don't go on this quest. You'll get yourself hurt or k-" I cut him off.

"I'm going and you can't stop me. I don't care if I get hurt." Why didn't he understand why I had to do this.

"Zora you don't have to go on a quest to prove yourself. You can-" he started, but I interrupted again.

"Is that why you think I'm doing this. For glory or because some campers don't think I'm a real demigod." I felt the tears start to come it I held them back, "Christian my little brother is out there being tortured or starved. He could be killed and I can finally do something about it." This time I felt the first tear fall and I couldn't stop it.

"Zora I didn't mean-"

"No you never mean what you say, but it still hurts me. I don't know why I even care, but I do. I-I have to go, Christian. I can't just stay here and let them kill my brother." I sobbed.

"I didn't even think about your brother being the one that's been taken. I'm sorry." His hand touched my cheek and wiped away the tears. "I just want you to be safe."

All of the sudden I realized how close we were standing. His golden eyes were locked on mine. Then the next thing I know his lip are on mine. I should have pulled away, but I didn't want to. My whole body was filled with warmth as he pulled me closer.

Just then someone can around the side of the cabin and stopped in their tracks. Christian and I jumped apart like we had burned each other and turned towards the camper staring at us.

Oh gods. I thought because guess who it was standing there. It was Rania.

She took one look at us and I saw hurt flicker across her face. Then her face hardened and she said, "I was looking for you. They're about to start the campfire and you weren't there." Then she turned and left without saying anything else.

We should go," Christian said. He was completely oblivious to what just happened.

"Right," I said and we both walked towards the campfire.

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