Chapter 3-Zora

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"You just what?! What was that thing and why did it try and attack us?" I asked. I was really starting to think I was going crazy.

"That was a hellhound and it was supposed to attack me. I have no idea why it would go after a couple of mortals." replied Christian

At this point I couldn't even respond to him I was so confused. Mortal, hellhounds this was beginning to sound a lot like my favorite book series Percy Jackson and the Olympians, but that couldn't be real, could it?

My grandmother need up being the one to answer him. "We aren't mortals not exactly. My father was a son of Apollo, but he was born blind. Apollo had a necklace crafted for him that would let him see. The charm work but all of my father's desendents would be blinded by the Mist. This necklace would have helped us see the magical world around us but it was lost after my father died. Our family blended in with the mortals and we have lived with them ever since."

Christian thought about this for a while and then he said, "How have you kept the monsters away from you?"

I was seriously beginning to question these people's sanity. I mean my grandmother had an excuse, maybe it was just old age but this other kid was really starting to freak me out.

My grandmother finally answered him. "Our blood doesn't have as strong a scent as a full blooded demigod so most monsters don't notice us, but we put up wards and charms around our home to help keep them out."

"Well obviously you have found this necklace or you wouldn't have been able to see the hellhounds, so can I see it?" He asked

I looked at my grandmother and she nodded to me, so I took the necklace off and handed it to Christian . As he examined it I got my first good look at him. He had shaggy dark brown hair with golden streaks through it. It was messy like he had forgotten to brush it. His eyes were a warm golden color with flecks of a darker gold and he had some freckles across his nose. He had a strong muscular build and wore an orange t-shirt that said, much to my disbelief, Camp Half-Blood.

I was still studying him when I saw his eyes widen in shock and fear. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me," he said, "This is the same necklace that those monsters were trying to get from me. They said that I knew where it was. That I was supposed to lead them to it. Then when that hell hound attacked you the just kind of turned and ran away."

Then it was my grandmother's turn to look afraid. "Zora get back to the apartment, now!" She said urgently "Take Christian with you. I will be right behind you."

The order in her voice made me leap into action. I immediately took of running and was surprised to find Christian right beside me. When we finally reached my apartment I knew something was very wrong. I live in a 3 bedroom apartment on the 4th floor. We alway keep the door closed and locked but when we reached the door it was slightly open. in fact it looked like something had broken the lock.

"No this isn't right," I breathed. I was beginning to panic. Christian pushed to door open and we stepped inside what I saw made my heart stop.

Just then my grandmother came up beside me. when she saw what was there she froze as well and said, "oh my gods"

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