Chapter 23- Zora

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We managed to make it to my home without any monster attacks. Which according to Christian was pretty good for 4 demigods traveling together. The whole time we were walking though, I felt a prickle on the back of my neck. Almost like someone was watching us.

As we reached the door of the apartment, a new type of anxiety took hold of me. Would my grandmother even want to see me? Would she help us? I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. It flew open almost immediately, and I was taken completely by surprise. It wasn't my grandmother who opened the door, but my best friend, Allison.

Her eyes were red as if she had been crying and they widened in shock as she looked at me. "Zora," she breathed. I could see tears starting to form in her eyes. "What happened? Where did you go? Who are they?" she had finally looked past me and to my friends.

"It's a long story," I said quickly, "I will explain, but I need to see my grandmother."

Allison nodded, but she looked a little hurt by my brusque attitude. As she led us inside she started rambling like she usually does when she's upset or excited.

"The police are looking for you, ya know. They think you might have killed your mother and taken your brother, but I didn't believe it for a second. Your grandmother refused to talk to the police, or to anyone really. She's been worried sick about you, and I have too. You just disappeared..." Allison trailed off and I knew that she was probably holding back tears. I wanted to tell her that I was going to stay forever, but I knew I couldn't. I had a quest to take care of.

"Allison I can't stay for long. My friends and I just need a favor and then we have to leave. You're in danger just being around us." I knew there was know at I could make her understand, but I had to try.

"Zora, a-are you in some kind of trouble? You d-didn't kill-"

"No, my mothers death was my fault though and I'm trying to fix everything. I just really need to see my grandmother." I assured Allison, or I tried to anyway. She was looking at me with a mixture of sadness and fear.

Before I could say anything else my grandmother came in, and looked anything but surprised to see me. "I assume you want that car for your quest, don't you?" she asked cooly. I could tell Allison was getting more confused by the moment.

"What quest? What are you-" Allison started to ask just as the window exploded with a loud shattering noise. Followed by one scream, three swords being unsheathed, a bow and arrow appearing out of nowhere, and one exasperated sigh that told me my grandmother knew this would happen.

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