Chapter 4-Christian

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When I saw that hellhound turn away from me I almost couldn't believe my eyes. Based on the look the girl that it was running toward had on her face she couldn't believe in either. After my moment of shock I quickly dealt with the hellhound in front of me and then ran to kill the other one.

I killed it pretty fast and turned to look at the girl standing in front of me. She had long blonde hair that was tied back in a ponytail. Her features were soft, almost innocent, but she had a hard look in her eyes that told me she had dealt with pain before.

Her grandmother standing next to her was even stranger. She looked a lot like her granddaughter, but was a whole lot older of course. The grandmother told me about her demigod father and apparently it was news to the girl as well. During this story I found out the girl's name, Zora.

The grandmother kept talking about a necklace, so I asked to see it. When Zora showed it to me, I realized that my suspicions were correct. This was the angel shaped necklace those two people had wanted from me. The grandmother got really freaked out when I told her about people wanting the necklace and told Zora to run back to their house. Zora started running, so naturally I followed her.

We reached the apartment and opened the door. I wasn't prepared for what I saw.

The whole house was trashed like there had been a fight. There was a body on the floor that was definitely dead. It looked like it had been a younger woman, maybe in her 40s. As I stared at her I realized that this must be Zora's mother. when I looked back at Zora, she had frozen in place.

Just then her grandmother walked in and said something I didn't catch. I was too busy looking at the complete grief on Zora's face.

Just then the grandmother spoke up taking charge. "Christian search the house. Look for a small boy and keep an eye out for any more monsters." she ordered.

I didn't like being ordered around by a mortal or half demigod or whatever, but I did what she asked. When I returned Zora seemed to have pulled herself together and her and her grandmother looked at me expectantly.

"No monsters and no boy." I reported and Zora looked a little bit relieved. "It looks like they ransacked the house though."

The grandmother nodded and told Zora, "Go to your room and pack a bag. Fill it with clothes and whatever else you might need. it needs to be light enough for you to carry though. Take your bow with you and a quiver of arrows. You won't be coming back here anytime soon." The grandmother told her.

Zora did what she was told and came back in with a backpack, a bow, and a quiver of arrows. I was impressed that she even knew how to shoot. She looked at her grandmother and said, "You aren't coming with me are you?"

The grandmother replied with, "I can't come with you. You must go with Christian and stay safe. And you must protect that necklace with your life. I wish I could come but I must stay here and deal with the police. Now go." We turned to leave and as we did the grandmother added, "I love you. Be careful."

The Guardian Angel- A PJO fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now