Chapter 38- Zora

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As soon as we found out that Christian and the others weren't in the prison, Dominic lead us to the huge cavern that he called the council room. It sounds more ominous when he says it. Anyways we found a whole bunch of people gathered there ranging from ages 12 to adults. No one payed much attention to us because they were focused on the center of the room, which was were Christian, Rachel, and my brother were. Also sitting in a huge throne was Heracles or that's who Rania tells me he is.

We blended into the back of the crowd and quickly got our plan together. To be honest the entire thing was a little over dramatic, but we needed to scare theses people into thinking we are more dangerous than we actually are. We also needed to am startle the big guy on the throne and with only three of us over dramatic was the only way to go.

So Dominic swooped in and saved my brother and Rania and I pulled out our weapons. The people around us were too shocked to even react they just moved out of our way. I walked to the center of the cavern and shot an arrow at Heracles to get his attention. The necklace was doing its thing too with the magical glowing.

Heracles looked completely lost, "How did this happen? Why aren't they tied up and bowing at my feet?" His face started to turn red as he got angrier. "How could my genius plan not work? YOU ARE ALL IMBECILES!! CAPTURE THEM!"

At first no one moved and then five of the older demigods stepped up. Rania didn't even hesitate before she attacked knocking out two of them in a matter of seconds, but more just took their place. Christian picked up a sword someone dropped and joined in but his movement were slow and weak. I climbed up in a rock and shot arrows trying to hit people sneaking up on Rania and Christian. I looked over at Dominic and Wesley and found Dominic completely surrounded. There were some kids I didn't know that were helping him and as I looked out between the moving bodies I saw other kids helping us. These must be the kids that were forced into this.

I heard a bellow of rage and turned around back towards the throne. Heracles was running towards me with his hands outstretched, probably to crush me with his strength. I jumped off the rock just as he got there and shot an arrow into his leg. He tripped over the rock and rolled into some of the fighting crowd. He immediately stood up with golden ichor running down his leg. Some of the people stopped to watch the fight.

"Oh you are going to regret that," he said and then he rushed me again. Once again I dodged and shot another arrow. We continued like that for a while until I finally ran out of arrows. Heracles grinned triumphantly and I looked around me. The fighting had stopped and there were dead and unconscious bodies all over the ground. Christian had collapsed on his knees and Rania was standing over him trying to hold off the demigods closing in on them. Dominic had lost his sword and didn't have enough energy to fly away with Wesley. Rachel was standing by my brother holding him as close to her as possible, but that didn't stop the demigods from ripping him away from her. As I turned back to back to Heracles he moved forward and I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. When I looked down, I watched as he pulled the sword out of my stomach. I watched the blood seep through my shirt as I collapsed on the ground.

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