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"Awww... It sounds like they should be together, Scythe-san!" Rukia chipped softly, averting her eyes across the table at the only person that hadn't yet said anything and quickly looked back up at Scythe. And then, at random, a little idea poppe up in her head. "You say he's always on his hands and knees for her, ne? Well, let's get them together!"

The only remotely sane person sitting in the booth, for what seemed like the hundredth time, dropped his head on the red table again. Match-making? Oh, good kami. He shook his head slightly to clear it and blinked, mulling the idea over in his head. Rukia killed people, searched for bijuu and jinchuuriki, stole thigs, and now she's a match-maker. 

He decided that she had changed too much over te years and he didn't know if he could deal with it. "I don't-"

"C'mon, Scythe-san! Let's do it!" the redhead chirped happily.

And the most indecent thought rolled into his poor teenaged brain. His eye widened impossibly and his mouth gaped in astonishment. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Was she talking about......that? No, she couldn't be. But... Who wouldn't wanna do it with her? She was absolutely gorgeous and perfect in every way and and- He deadpanned.

Kami, he hated being a boy.

Perverted thoughts... He felt like the pervy goddamn sage. That isn't good! He shook his head again, 'please stop!' becoming a constant mantra in his mind as he tried desperately to stop thinking so indecently- about a friend no less! 

[Guh... My mind was in the gutter today. Dx]


Scythe smiled at Rukia's eagerness. He decided he liked her - he also decided he was infinitely glad that he couldn't LIKE like her. For once, his heartbreak came in handy.

"Believe me, I'd jump at the chance - I just wanna make sure this isn't some one-sided deal," he explained, his smile faltering. "He's interested; I can't say the same for her. I won't do anything unless I'm absolutely sure they're both thinking about each other."

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