Part 43

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Tlaloc or Laird pulled me deeper and deeper into the forest. The sun couldn't reach us here and so everything was shrouded in shadows. The life in here quieted down, most of the animals and birds ready for a night of sleep, with only few just waking up.

We were walking in the part of the forest that I never was able to visit, so I made sure that Laird didn't let me go. The silence stood between us and it was a great time for me to think things through.

The change in Tlaloc's behaviour made me feel nervous. Not only he became more sadistic, enjoying the pain of others, this time being me, but he also became bold, throwing sexual remarks like talking about weather. His advances also open and my resistance only amused him. As if he knew that I wouldn't be able to resist him. And he might be correct. The old Tlaloc was considerate, only once losing temper and passionately kissing me, while this new Tlaloc just went full sexual assault mode. Even if it healed me, he could have asked me what I wanted.

And then this entire magical saliva thing. How was that even possible? I could just say that I was the one delusional from pain, but I'm walking with Laird, feeling better than ever.

Suddenly, I slammed into Laird's back, my nose not thanking me for that. I looked up at Laird with a question on my face, but my eyes wondered passed him and widen in awe. Before us was a small grass area full with tiny white flowers, all in full bloom as the stars were already popping one by one in the night's sky. Hundreds of fire flies hung in the air, their glow giving the small meadow magical feel and appearance. In the middle stood a huge tree that looked to be holding ripping apples.

I looked at Laird with my wide eyes and then back at the meadow, ignoring Laird's yet another amused chuckle.

'Wow' was all I could muster out. I swear, if a unicorn walked out from behind the tree, that would look natural for me.

Laird tugged me towards the tree and we slowly made out way through the meadow, my eyes looking everywhere it could in order to remember this place. I was in such a deep trance of amazement that I didn't see how Laird sat down and leaned against the tree, his eyes on me. Only when he pulled me down to his lap that I woke up from awe and yelped, startled by sudden fall.

'W-what are you...' I didn't finish as a fire fly zoomed between us and my attention went to the small ball of light. A chuckle woke me from awe again and I looked at Laird, his face hidden by shadows, yet his navy blue eyes clear as day. Only now I realised that I was straddling him, his arms around my torso and on my butt that held my in place.

'I do hope you will look at me like that from now on' he spoke and I felt my cheeks warm up.

'It's my first time seeing them, okay? Don't be a bully' I murmured and glanced at the bugs.

'It's the first time you normaly talking with me too' he spoke and turned my head towards him by my chin. I didn't know how to react to that. Tlaloc calls himself Laird and now says it's the first time talking to him. At that I frowned a little, confused of what was going on. Laird caught up with that as he sighed and leaned back against the tree's trunk.

'The beast you saw was me and the body of the human you see now is Tlaloc' he spoke and frowned again, my frown deeper this time.

'Let me tell you the history of our people and any questions that remain after, I will answer, okay?' He spoke and I nod, excited to finally hear about this place and people. Living in the dark is not fun.

'When the first people came to this island, there were about 50 of them. All we know is that they were exiled from their homeland and into the sea to die, but after drifting wherever the currents wanted, they reached this island.'

'Were they from the main land where I came from?' I asked, already forgetting the "questions after the story" rule.

'Possible, but we will never know. When they settled here, they planned to build a normal boat, so they could move in search of a bigger and better place, but one winter turned into ten and then into hundred winters. Before they knew, they had settled and people forgot about their original plan. This island was quite safe, big enough and provided them food and shelter. After some time, they began exploring the island and some people saw other parts of the island fit to live and stayed. That's how three first villages were created and still are to this day.'

I instantly remembered the man who attacked me. 'The man that night-' I was cur short by a growl. A deep and threatening growl that meant bad things.

'It was from the Air village' he spoke and in a second calmed down. I decided to ignore the fact that he just called a man "it" and instead focused on the air aspect.

'Air village?'

'In honor of their elemental gods, they named their villages by the dominant element of that place. The rocky side is where the Air village is located, by the open beach is Water village and in the forest is the Earth village'

'And we are Fire village because we are so close to volcano' I finished, but Laird shook his head.

'We aren't a Fire village, that's their name for us. We don't have a name because that is of no importance to us'

'Okay, continue' I said, ready for more information.

'They didn't explore this place because of fear that the volcano would erupt and they wouldn't be able to save themself fast enough'

'But if the volcano erupts, the entire island is dead' I said frowning and Laird smirked.

'We are prepared for that. As a matter of fact, the very same volcano that will kill them, will save us'

His face expression clearly showed that he would be delighted for that to happen and I didn't know, once again, how to react to that.

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