I'm sorry if I talk too much especially when it comes to the sky and the moon and the stars and everything from up there.
I'm sorry if I get too happy that I can not stop smiling but then I'll be a pouty bitch in the next two minutes.
I'm sorry for always double texting you, I'm sorry for being super clingy and annoying and oh, God, I'm sorry for acting so weird and distant whenever it comes to love because my insecurity always pulling me back and back and back everytime I want to reach you.
I'm sorry for not always say what I want to say yet my mind is screaming 24/7.
I'm sorry for ruining your rainbows.
Oh, my dear, I'm sorry for being in love with you yet I show you nothing but rejections.
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry but when it comes to love, I have to be the one who's leaving before I let myself fall and being left and forgotten.
—Luar Bumi
Poetryini sajakku, dan ini aku seseorang di Luar Bumi -Luar Bumi Ps: sajak ini tidak sepenuhnya aku yang buat. •••• hey, if you like my story, let's add my account. thank you, readers Started - 28 juli 2018