sixty two

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You somehow amaze me at how big you've become. Your burning soul never fail to keep you running and living-even though you do that with little shivers and stutters. Your wings are broken but you manage to keep flying-with a little tiptoeing.
You shine so bright and that glitters and sparkles suit you so perfectly, even the sun got jealous, sometimes.

I mean, how are you so real? With your flaws and your scars and your demons and your mournful voice at three in the morning and your dark thoughts, how, how did you still manage to put that smile so perfectly? Your red eyes are tired and they are telling you to stop lying, but of course, you, being stubborn, keep forcing those eyes to open widely as if you trained them to hide everything and just face the damn world with a mask and keep laughing.

My goodness, you amaze me, as always. You've reached your lowest point and you survived. You, my darling, you survived. The storms has passed when you thought you're not going to make it to the top. You became the thunder, the oceans, the waves, the fire, the rainbows, you became everything you were once afraid of-
darling, you take control of it
and you're no longer in control
of them all.

- Luar Bumi,

LUAR BUMITempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang