I'm sorry for the way he treated you.
I'm sorry for your heart that he left bruised without a cure. I'm sorry because you find yourself lost without any clue.I'm sorry I let you believed his words until you finally let him in. I'm sorry you have to stay awake until three in the morning and wake up at ten with a mourning. I'm sorry for those times you've wasted just because you always see the good on him.
I'm sorry for every boys you've pushed away because he—somehow— made you feel like you're his.
My precious one, I'm so sorry.I'm sorry for the sobs you've been hiding.
I'm sorry that he only wants your body. Gosh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry because now you seem lost interest with love and you think that you don't deserve happiness and joy and laughter and all the goods in this world.I'm sorry but I promise you'll get through this.
I promise you, my darling.
I know your heart will heal, I know it.
I know it because you are so much more than a glass of water
for his thirst of lust.— Luar Bumi
Puisiini sajakku, dan ini aku seseorang di Luar Bumi -Luar Bumi Ps: sajak ini tidak sepenuhnya aku yang buat. •••• hey, if you like my story, let's add my account. thank you, readers Started - 28 juli 2018