I saw her.
She's all sweet and nice to me, though.
You know, it's not the first time I saw her—
in fact, it's like my fifth time now.I saw her.
With all smiley and sparkly.
What a nice lady. I said it to myself.I saw her.
With anger on my soul and fire on my eyes.
How dare you to take my first love?
How fucking dare you?How dare you took my mother's lover?
How dare you, ma'am?
How dare you to take my father away?What an evil bitch. I said it to her.
— Luar Bumi
Poetryini sajakku, dan ini aku seseorang di Luar Bumi -Luar Bumi Ps: sajak ini tidak sepenuhnya aku yang buat. •••• hey, if you like my story, let's add my account. thank you, readers Started - 28 juli 2018