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Poor Jake looked like he felt a little awkward in such a formal setting. He wasn't as used to places like this as I was, I bet I could get him used to it though.

I knew about imprinting; the implications of the bond, the fact that it was for life. Over dinner, Jacob said he didn't want me to feel trapped or pressured, like I didn't have a choice. But I didn't feel that way at all, I felt lucky. I had somebody who was made just for me.

We changed our minds about only having one course. Well Jacob did, he ordered himself a piece of chocolate silk pie. I wasn't using my dessert fork so I got a small bite and offered it to Jacob. I watched his lips close around my fork. It looked so good (not the pie, how Jake looked) that I let him feed me a bite too. I watched him as he watched me. Once we figured that out, the dessert was gone far too soon.

The ride home was filled with mostly comfortable silence. We held hands between the seats as I gazed out the window, smiling with contentment into the night. When we turned into the driveway my heart skipped a beat. Neither of us had ever been on a date before, but I knew this would be significant. I reached over to the door handle when we pulled into the garage.

"No wait," Jacob said. He jumped out of the car leaped over the hood to get my door. "Allow me, Miss Cullen." I had to laugh.

"Why thank you, Mr. Black," I told him as he closed my door. He dropped my dad's keys into my purse.

"Probably shouldn't keep these." I nodded and grabbed his hand leading him back to the cottage. We stayed linked together as we jumped over the river and ran through the quiet night. We slowed to a walk when the porch came into view and stopped at the bottom of the steps.

"So did you like that place, Ness?" 

"Yeah, it was nice."

"Good," I decided I'd rather not stall. My gift was very useful, I liked it. Well except when something slipped out without me realizing it but that didn't happen much. I was able to show some things better then I could say them. I stood on the bottom step, so that I was only one head shorter than Jacob instead of two, and squeezed his hand showing him what I wanted. He smiled with what looked almost like relief, and gladly did what I asked. He put a hand on my waist to pull me a little closer. Then he leaned down, tilted my chin up and placed a feather-light kiss on my lips. He pulled back to smile at me, then bent down to kiss me just once more. He pulled away and slowly took his hand off my hip, letting it trail across my thigh for a fraction of a second. But that wasn't nearly enough for me. I jumped off the step into his arms. He laughed and held me to his body with one hand on the small of my back, the other stroked my hair.

"Goodnight Nessie, I love you. More than anything."

"I love you too, see you in the morning?"

"In the morning," he promised as he released me.

I watched him bound into the woods until I could no longer see him through the trees. I turned and went into the house. I could hear my Dad upstairs on the piano playing what sounded like a new song. I found my mother with a book her lap looking at me expectantly. She held out her hand to me.

"I'm sure Daddy already knows how it went so come show me!" she eagerly demanded. I saw no trace of her soppiness from earlier so I ran to the couch and hopped on it, taking her hand. I watched her smile as I replayed the whole night for her. "Oh, Nessie!" She said when I showed her my first kiss.

"I know," I sighed happily.

"Did I ever tell you about the first time Daddy kissed me?" I shook my head no.

"Well I was still human so the memory is fuzzy but I know I won't lose this one. We were next to my old truck. It actually wasn't very good timing." She laughed. "I wasn't feeling so well at the time..." 


I smiled to myself as I heard Bella telling Ness part of our story. Bella had pulled back her shield so that I could see her memories of our first days together. I paused to listen and watch, to feel the way Bella felt, remembering with her. Nessie and Jacob really were like us in the respect that each one doubted the depth of the others feelings. And their elation was like ours when they started to realize maybe they had been wrong.

I let my hands move over the keys again, toying with the notes that were starting to make up Jacob and Renesmee's song. I tried to remind myself that I wasn't giving her up, not completely. True, she was a woman now, Jacob's woman. But she will always be my daughter, nothing could ever change that. Even though she was no longer my little girl, the infant who slept peacefully in my arms or the child I taught to play the piano. Our daughter, that I never even imagined we would be lucky enough to have.

She was lucky too, she had someone who was made for her. Imprinting was fascinating to me, and also somewhat of a comfort. As much as I disliked it at first, I could see inside his head so I knew he would never cause her pain, never abandon her because he couldn't. It went against his very nature. He devoted his life to her right from the first day.

I felt the air stir behind me and needed only to breathe it in to know it was Bella. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders as I continued to play.

"She's in bed but I doubt she'll be sleeping anytime soon, she's pretty keyed up," Bella told me. "Did you watch her show me?"

"I did," I confirmed.

"It was very sweet, don't you think?"

"Yes, he was a perfect gentleman, I didn't realize he had it in him," I chuckled.

"You don't care that he kissed her?" she asked me through her thoughts to make sure Nessie wouldn't overhear.

"Should I? Do you?"

Well no, I was just wondering.

"It's only natural, I don't mind. Besides, I saw her asking him to so I could have put a stop to that if I had wanted to," I reminded her in a whisper. She slapped my chest playfully and hugged me tighter.

Show off, she thought.

"Only sometimes," I defended myself. It was quiet for a moment as she listened to me play. "It's for them," I told her.

"I really like it, not as much as mine though," she said against the side of my neck.

I twisted around to look at her with mock surprise "Well certainly not, love!"

She laughed quietly and planted a kiss on the side of my neck. 

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now