Whatever She Needs

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I know it probably happens millions of times a day, but I was so amazed seeing the life Nessie and I had created together. The chatter of her family didn't really register, my eyes were focused on our child that was growing inside of my Nessie. My soon to be wife. I couldn't imagine life getting any better then this.

"Jake?" Nessie's voice brought me out of my thoughts.


"Nanna just asked if we'd like to see how the house is coming? It's almost done."

"Oh! For sure, are you feeling up to it?"

"I feel okay, just a little tired. But I want to go see it while I'm up and about," she answered.

"Why don't I get you a glass of blood before we go," Carlisle said. "When everything is said and done, you'll have had a pretty exciting day and I want to make sure you keep your strength up." He shooed everyone out of the room and got a clean glass out of a cabinet, and pulled the bag of donated blood out of a tiny stainless steel fridge on the counter.

Doc left us alone and I helped Nessie back into her clothes, helping myself to another eyeful. "This is going to be a pretty exciting day isn't it?" she said pulling her shirt down.

"Yeah it looks like it is babe," I answered. 

After the peek I'd just had I was hoping to make it even a little more exciting. She felt bad that the first appearance of horny Nessie had embarrassed Bella so we were being even more careful then normal. Our two usual spots, my place and the woods during hunting trips, were out. Hunting would take too much out of her, besides she had the donated blood. And Carlisle wanted her to stay close by.

After she drank her snack we headed downstairs where the family was waiting for us. Alice was bouncing up and down, holding Jasper's hand.

"Lets go see your house!" she said over and over again, so fast it was hard to understand.


I shook my head at her.

"Jasper, doesn't she get on your nerves?"

Alice playfully snarled at me then started her chant again. Jasper laughed and looked lovingly at his mate.

"Only a little."

We followed Esme through the forest, Nessie was on my back and Bella was on Edward's. Alice made Ness and I close our eyes, and insisted on taking my hand and leading us the second half of the way. She said the contractors wouldn't be there since it was Sunday and we'd be able to explore, we just couldn't mess with anything.

"Open your eyes!" Alice sang when we came to a stop. 

It was amazing, just huge. The outside was covered with the most beautiful stonework. All the windows would make for such beautiful natural light. I imagined the place would get pretty interesting looking when we had the whole family over with all that sun. And this is where we would raise a family of our own.

"Oh wow, thank you so much Nanna!"

"It's beautiful Esme, it really is."

"Now, it's not done yet," she reminded us.

"We still have the pluming and electrical work to go. But after that, and the decorating, it should be ready to go."

The outside looked done, the inside had wires poking out of all the places where the light switches and outlets would be. The downstairs was huge, very open like the big house. Esme took us through the kitchen, sitting room, family room, dining room, and the downstairs bathroom. It was still totally empty, no bath tubs or kitchen counters yet or anything like that. We followed Esme upstairs to join the rest of the family who had wandered off to explore. Esme pointed out the rooms, still without doors, as we walked through the hallway.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IWhere stories live. Discover now